Exciting New Chicago Cycling Box Service - Signed up for early bird special thought I'd share!

CyclistBox - Chicago Start Up Subscription Box for Cycling Products - Early Special.


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Very serious, I dragged her out and now wish I hadn't.  In retrospect I'd have friended her and let her know. I certainly don't think this went "exactly as planned" for her, far from it.

I know that the CL is quick to get indignant but again, a PR error is pretty small.  She's trying to launch a business, it's one of the American dreams.  I've been there, trying to put up a business, and it's fraught and complicated.  Tactless is about all we can pin on her which in the end is not that big a deal.  We've all done worse.

Anyway, Madeline, good luck if you put $50 worth of stuff in a box and sell it for $25 people will buy.

Haddon, she lied right here in the post title. And we IMO should support real people powered cycles and LBSs for our commuting needs, not electric bikes and cheap boxes of stuff. Seriously - she has taken advantage, and that's not cool. No need to feel guilt in the face of her odd response posts; I'm glad you called her on her dishonesty and thank you for looking out for the community.

Haddon said:


I know I 'outed' Madeline and now I feel bad about it.  Start ups are complicated and difficult and often you are figuring out how to do things on the first go.  For all we know it'll be a great service when it finally gets going. Everyone reading this has gotten a second chance and hopefully we extend one to Madeline, a Chicago bike company would be a plus for the city. She made a PR error which is pretty small, like I said it could well be a great service when it gets going.

Madeline, sorry, you should see how the CL-ers go after each other.

Even beyond the "market research" screw up, this point by kiltedcelt is my other problem with this.  Personally, I am very particular about my cycle gear.  Everything from utility to weight to fit to the colors has to be right or it ends up gathering dust on my shelf.  Even for simple things like gloves and lights, I need to hold them in my hand (or try them on) before I buy.  Even after, the item may not end up on my bike.

Not sure a subscription service really translates well to something as personal as cycle gear (becomes part of the machine, etc).  At the very least, you need to note the percentage of consumables vs components in the description, and a list of official sponsors.  $24.95 for a box of 10 Cliff bars and energy gels and a $5 ankle strap (already have like 10 of those lying around) isn't really a good deal, for example.

kiltedcelt said:

I can't imagine paying the subscription price to say, get a bunch of shorts and shirts and maybe comestibles. Shorts and shirts, maybe okay, but frankly the gear I wear has to fit well because of the long distances I ride, has to be in colors I would wear, and is preferably not made in a Chinese sweat shop. The food I eat must be healthy and nutritious and not contain things like high fructose corn syrup.

Clif bars are $.99 a piece at Whole Foods. Ankle straps are free unless it is a Brooks leather strap.

You do the math.

My one chief complaint with the 'Link is its endless tendency to devolve into sniping. I think there are way too many people here waiting to get indignant.

Madeline err'ed, got her ears pinned back and really there will be no end to the pile on.  I'll depart this thread, hopefully Madeline gets a sucessfull business going and we give her a fair second chance, good luck.

OK - I was going to resist the urge to pile on here; but now I am getting sucked into the fray.
I read the crain's chicago business article on her bikes; and there was a line that mentioned

"healthy lifestyle" (I wish I had the exact quote; but the crain's website is a PITA). WTH is up with that?

how the HELL is riding an electric bike 'healthy' ?????  am I missing something ???? (I think not).

Does she think we are all TOTALLY stupid morons !!!!


OK I feel better now...

Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

Even beyond the "market research" screw up, this point by kiltedcelt is my other problem with this.  Personally, I am very particular about my cycle gear.  Everything from utility to weight to fit to the colors has to be right or it ends up gathering dust on my shelf.  Even for simple things like gloves and lights, I need to hold them in my hand (or try them on) before I buy.  Even after, the item may not end up on my bike.

Not sure a subscription service really translates well to something as personal as cycle gear (becomes part of the machine, etc).  At the very least, you need to note the percentage of consumables vs components in the description, and a list of official sponsors.  $24.95 for a box of 10 Cliff bars and energy gels and a $5 ankle strap (already have like 10 of those lying around) isn't really a good deal, for example.

kiltedcelt said:

I can't imagine paying the subscription price to say, get a bunch of shorts and shirts and maybe comestibles. Shorts and shirts, maybe okay, but frankly the gear I wear has to fit well because of the long distances I ride, has to be in colors I would wear, and is preferably not made in a Chinese sweat shop. The food I eat must be healthy and nutritious and not contain things like high fructose corn syrup.

Haddon said:

Anyway, Madeline, good luck if you put $50 worth of stuff in a box and sell it for $25 people will buy.


OK - I have to disagree here. If the "$50.00 worth of stuff" is stuff that *I DO NOT NEED* (and I would really venture to say here that many of us have SO MUCH of certain stuff" that we may never ever "need it" I will NOT pay $25 for it. it is just clutter. That is like saying a guy/gal that home brews there own beer will buy beer on sale for 40% off.

I do not need it. period. it becomes clutter. which I already have too much of. and if I (we) don't have any say in what we are getting (that we don't need) it's even worse. OK I am done now.




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