Exciting New Chicago Cycling Box Service - Signed up for early bird special thought I'd share!

CyclistBox - Chicago Start Up Subscription Box for Cycling Products - Early Special.


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Exciting old box services...



Am I cynical when I read that as "I will sell you made in China crap"?

Madeline said:

 I am really excited about this one it has an international taste to it as well :) 

hey you got it half right ! Well the China part ... 

The service will be offering a handful of sponsored trips to cycle the Great Wall of China - Among others

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Am I cynical when I read that as "I will sell you made in China crap"?

Madeline said:

 I am really excited about this one it has an international taste to it as well :) 

All that for $24.95? Where do I sign up?

Let me also take a moment to apologize to Daniel G for calling him gullible. If you manage to sell a trip to the Great Wall of China for $24.95, I am sure that SON hub will be in a box sooner or later...

While we're at it, can I put in a plug for a Shinola Runwell? We are talking commuting after all, no? Seems very doable for $24.95.

Madeline said:

hey you got it half right ! Well the China part ... 

The service will be offering a handful of sponsored trips to cycle the Great Wall of China - Among others

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Am I cynical when I read that as "I will sell you made in China crap"?

Madeline said:

 I am really excited about this one it has an international taste to it as well :) 

I don't recall many bikes at the Great Wall of China. Perhaps they were hiding behind the Starbucks.

I thought it was kind of obvious she was the one behind it with her trying to hard enthusiasm and folksy appeal.

Madeline maybe you should be more open about your relationship with this venture. Just a thought.

JoLondon - and Chainlink Friends! My relationship to this venture is more than anything market research and seeing how the community would respond to this. I am not in any way shape or form collecting money from you (not until I have my paid for advertising in Chainlink ;) ) Just thought I'd get some feedback from our community. So far you have been great! If this is going to be built in Chicago why not start with this awesome Chicago community that you have already established. Thats why we are here right? Support each other and furthering cycling and cycle enthusiasts in Chicago? 

jolondon30 said:

I thought it was kind of obvious she was the one behind it with her trying to hard enthusiasm and folksy appeal.

Madeline maybe you should be more open about your relationship with this venture. Just a thought.


I think it's pretty clear from your note above that you stand to benefit from this product. You might want to rethink your PR strategy...telling people I am "not collecting money from you" is a wee bit tone deaf.

Please.  You are not just a friendly chainlinker recommending a new product/service.

If you just pointed out that "hey, I'm thinking about this new service called x, y z and trying to do some market research" you would have gotten a much better response.  As it is you are coming across as highly disingenuous at best given that you control the domain registration. It now looks to the 10.3 billion readers of chainlink :) that you are pumping up your own business by pretending to be a thrilled consumer.

Just be open and transparent and people will help you.  


Please go get a real job and stop pestering us with your sales pitch here.

In other box news, though, this one is cheaper!



Which brings up the main problem with Madeline's endeavor. Unless you stuff that box with products that can generate repeat buys, you're not going to be able to attract companies to give you a good deal.

How many bike lights/bike shorts/bike-whatever does a commuter really need?

I am afraid that the box will contain mainly consumables (gel bars, sun screen, energy drink, etc). But I may be wrong.

Daniel G said:

The BroBox is the best way for any Bro to connect with great brands while getting the opportunity to try awesome products.

This is how marketing people think humans interact with reality. We connect with great brands.

God help us all. I cannot imagine the voluntary emotional stunting required to see the world in such a base and hideous way.

Why did you have to lie to this forum?  

Madeline said:

JoLondon - and Chainlink Friends! My relationship to this venture is more than anything market research and seeing how the community would respond to this. I am not in any way shape or form collecting money from you (not until I have my paid for advertising in Chainlink ;) ) Just thought I'd get some feedback from our community. So far you have been great! If this is going to be built in Chicago why not start with this awesome Chicago community that you have already established. Thats why we are here right? Support each other and furthering cycling and cycle enthusiasts in Chicago? 

jolondon30 said:

I thought it was kind of obvious she was the one behind it with her trying to hard enthusiasm and folksy appeal.

Madeline maybe you should be more open about your relationship with this venture. Just a thought.


h' 1.0 said:

OMG Madeline please forgive me-- I totally meant to include this and I forgot:

h' 1.0 said:

Aw c'mon folks.... it's not like anyone with a brain didn't plainly see she was promoting her own product here... let's not drive this poor struggling entrepreneur off before she's had a chance to redeem herself buy buying paid advertising on chainlink.


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