Encouraging High-Visibility and Reflective Gear for Safe Cycling, or Victim Blaming ?


Days are getting shorter and people are commuting in the dark. Transportation agencies encourage cyclists to wear bright/high-visibility/reflective clothing and use lights. That might sound like common sense info to some, to others it is an offense. A form of victim blaming. Do you feel "being seen" helps you to "be safe?"

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In the not too recent past, 'masks' were more widely used in London, England. But that's another topic for discussion.
Construction workers have safety blinkies on barricades around them.
And you will NEVER see a high-visibility colored car. Only black, white, grey, etc. . .

Shawn Evans said:

Construction workers and others wear high visibility clothing but no lights.


Cars have lights but do not wear clothing, other than 'car bras', which are not high-vis.


Something to think about.

I think.

In totally unrelated news, commuters on Japan's subways wear protective masks


And here's a construction worker wearing a mask.


Where are our masks?!? Don't we want to be safe???

Tom AK said-

"And you will NEVER see a high-visibility colored car. Only black, white, grey, etc. . ."



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