eBikes. Are they bikes? Do they belong in the bike lane?

What's the deal with the lady flying past me at 20mph? Does that thing belong in the bike lane or the street? It's like an electric moped.

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I'd rather "share" with the motorcyclist than the in-line skaters, rollers-skaters (80s are here again!), long-boarders, short-boarders, self-balancing battery-powered boarders and joggers.  And I'd rather be with car traffic than a pedestrian with Divvys on the sidewalk.

Where do moving elliptical "bikes" fit in? Are they "generally considered" a bicycle?  The two tandem wheels is true, but I generally consider it a stationary exercise machine.

...and pogo sticks!

Leaf spring bouncy shoes?

Funny - I was going to create my first topic on this very subject.

Yesterday on the bike path, I was passed (opposite directions) by a guy on an ebike...  He was moving - I am going to guess at least 25mph.  As the bike path is once again populated by folks who are, let's face it, mostly clueless, it seems like a recipe for disaster to allow motorized bikes on the path.  

My concern is that the guy (gal) on the e-bike is going to have significantly less time and distance to respond to the inevitable kid who jets out into the path - or the guy who is walking his little dog with 10 feet of leash (also across the path) - or, even the legit runner who needs to dodge out of the way from the above...

As it pertains to the fitness benefits of an e-bike, baloney.  A triple, well fitted bike, with the correct seat should be more than sufficient for the vast majority of folks to get out an enhance their health.  Truthfully, if one can't muster that minimum level of motility and fitness, putting this person behind the wheel of a 40+ pound missile doesn't strike me as the best answer...  (for the record, my f-ass is 6ft, 220, so my comments are not from the perspective of a skinny roadie - sheesh, I think I ate one of those for dinner last night)

For me it's a question of speed.  I've slowed down over the last few years and even "pathaletes" can give me a concern or two.  My real gripe right now are the Segway tours.  I understand that the classification of the Segway is in the same class as electric powered wheel chairs.  Getting back to the subject, ultimately this is something that won't be settled until the City Council or regional authority takes up the question, and even that won't solve anything without enforcement.  Between now and then I believe reading this thread is a great way to gain at least one perspective and telling tourists to use the bike lanes rather than the sidewalk when downtown will keep me busy.


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