11-15-18 Update - Large Percentage of Divvy Fleet Missing! Serious Loss Problems for Chicago's Bike Share 7-12-18

Divvy should consider adding an easily identifiable bike numbering system in order to assist authorities in determining the status of their fleet. 

The News Corner:

Serious Loss Problems for Divvy

"Locking systems easily compromised by thieves."

For the full article:


I have been seeing a lot more 'free range' Divvy bikes lately. 

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Absolutely, the outrage is there every time any municipal employee does anything improper that ends up with the city council approving a multi-million dollar settlement (from taxpayer dollars) to avoid a lawsuit. 

"Neither the city nor  the Divvy management company know how many (taxpayer-owned) bikes are missing according to documents." 

An inventory is conducted only once a year on October 1st.


How in the hell is a Divvy worth $1,200?! That's some serious markup/creative accounting.

IMO, an estimated realistic value of ~ $750.

I wonder if this divvy theft thing becomes like the parking meter deal in terms of why did the city agree to set this thing up to put taxpayers on the hook? Not to excuse the thieves themselves, but the city council needs to take responsibility for structuring the deal this way.

Not following you here. The parking meter deal was/is quite different. I mean, it was/is a disaster, but the motivation was money upfront for the city of Chicago in exchange for a long-term asset.

In the sense that the parking meter deal is losing the city money long term, isn't it? Money upfront, and in exchange we give up a revenue source long term, plus the city is on the hook everytime there's a street fair or something. 

To the extent these thefts are being billed to taxpayers at the ridiculous markup of $1200 a pop- that could be losing the city money long term, (depending on the volume of thefts) no?

Is this so that nobody steals the stolen? 

In my neighborhood. 

With the Divvy bike situation now, I wonder if there are any programs to donate recycled bikes to inner city youths here in Chicago like there are to other countries? 

Well, there's Blackstone Bikes. Not exactly donated, free bikes, but it's access to bikes and learning skills.

If there were more bikes available to those in need for a nominal cost, or no cost, except for the ongoing cost of the care of the bike, then the motivation will be removed for stealing a Divvy bike. 

What is the motivation for stealing a Divvy? Transportation, a maintained unit, availablity, lower risk of loss.

A wider program here to donate used/recycled bikes would grow the cycling community in all parts of our city.

Some of the people charged with possessing stolen Divvy bikes in July (via CWB Chicago)

How many of these bike thieves would qualify under a free bike "youth" program?



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