This event is our first ride of the year for the deaf community within the Chicagoland. We will be using the North Channel as our first destination with each upcoming ride highlighting the city that we live and love.

Who: Anyone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing (who knows sign language) can participate. You can be new or an advance rider for this event. You can bring your children if they have bikes or your own trailer/cargo bike etc.

Where: North Shore Channel Trail, our meeting point is: at Rockwell Brown line stop then from there we will ride to the trail. We will ride for one hour and then head back to Lincoln Square for Feast at a restaurant (TBA) After the ride/dine you are free to go to your own events etc. There will be plenty of festivals within that area. To name a few, Andersonville’s Midsommer Fest or movies at the park (evening)

When: June 7th, at 10:30 am. We will be riding for one hour only which is a perfect time frame for new and advanced riders alike.

This will be fun and exciting and we hope to bring more events to you all so please share the word!

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