A friend posted this on Facebook.  No more space than the current setup here, but much safer.  



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What happens when there are multiple cyclists going straight ahead and cars wanting to turn right? Much as I'd like to, I can't see Chicago drivers buying this one. I think those boxes (advanced stop lines?) for bikes at the head of red light lines are better. Hard for drivers to buy too, but perhaps an easier sell.
What happens no when multiple cyclists are going straight and a car wants to turn?  Either the car cuts them off (illegal) or waits.  The bikes going straight in their lane already have the right of way, this just makes it harder for drivers to give us the blind right hook.
I like some thing about this design but I doubt that most cyclists would want to do a full box turn to make a left. I tend to box turn at 6 point intersections with the crosswalk signal but at standard intersections I prefer to merge left and turn on the right side of the left turning vehicle.
I like it! Thanks for posting Joel.
This looks terrific. Does anyone with an inside track to the people at CDOT and especially Gabe Klein? They should see this.
I make almost all left turns like you describe, so it would be a change.  But, I might be willing to trade slightly slower left turns (you almost always have to wait until the end of a light cycle now anyway) for improved safety at intersections.  Having physical curbs to stop the right and left hooks would be really nice.  

Ash L. said:
I like some thing about this design but I doubt that most cyclists would want to do a full box turn to make a left. I tend to box turn at 6 point intersections with the crosswalk signal but at standard intersections I prefer to merge left and turn on the right side of the left turning vehicle.


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