My apologies if this has already been posted, but I searched for it and couldn't find it. Is there any way to see how many citations have been issued to motor vehicle operators for violation of the 3-foot law?


I would like to know, because especially now that the city council is looking at additional laws on cyclists (specifically, the cell phone law) I wonder how often laws designed to *protect* cyclists are enforced. My guess is, not often.


Any thoughts?

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Davo....  Here is the link....  With the number of people that have asked me where I got mine, I swear, these guys SHOULD be giving me commission!!!!

Davo said:

I would totally by one of those "3 Feer Please" t-shirts". IMO unfortunately this law will only be inforced if there is an accident. Much like the driving while on the phone or texting laws."


Unfortunately, the state does nothing to educate drivers about the new laws....  I had to take the driver's safety class because I got pulled over for "failure to wear a safety belt...."  In the class, the instructor said that the state is under no obligation to inform of us law changes....  It is our responsibility to find out about them on our own or suffer the consequences....  They do us "favors" when they roll out an advertising campaigns to let us know about things like the seat belt laws....


I got my first driver's license in 1986....  The only time I have had to take anything other than an eye test since that initial test was when I moved back from Colorado....  I had to take a written test for that one....  My sister got her first one three years before I got mine....  She forgot to renew it last year before it expired and in order to get a new one, she also had to take a written test....  Even if there is only one question regarding sharing the road and you get that one wrong, you can still get your new license....  That doesn't make me very comfortable as a cyclist....  as a cycling community, we need to urge (lobby????) our government to spend money on advertisement campaigns to educate the driving community about the laws that they are passing.... 


I think that signs like the ones I saw in Arizona would be a GREAT start!!!!



Kristi Erickson said:

I don't think most drivers are aware of the 3 feet law and have never been asked to check their mirrors before opening doors. Instead of throwing money at making laws that aren't enforced or arguing over tracking a problem that we know exists and has serious consequences, what about a Public Service Announcement Campaign - like the old days of "give a hoot, don't pollute" - "be a dear, check your mirror"

Let's stop wasting time and making lawyers richer - let's be effective.


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