Does anyone in the area know where I can examine/test-ride/possibly buy a chainless driveshaft bike?  I know of the following manufacturers: Dekra, Sonoma, Dynamic, and a Danish company.  Inernet searches have resulted in zero local retailers.  -- L. Chukman c/o JoLynn Doerr

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There is a furniture store, Haute Living I think, that has some; we assemble them for them here at Rapid Transit

Personally I am not a fan.  Shaft drive bikes have been an on and off idea for like 80 years but we keep sticking with the chain drive which I think says something about how well they work right there...

I think if anything is going to replace the chain drive, it'll be something like the gates belt drive.  It's fairly easy to get the tire off with the belt drive, much like with a chain drive.  However, the belt requires much less maintenance. 

notoriousDUG said:

There is a furniture store, Haute Living I think, that has some; we assemble them for them here at Rapid Transit

Personally I am not a fan.  Shaft drive bikes have been an on and off idea for like 80 years but we keep sticking with the chain drive which I think says something about how well they work right there...

I've had three motorcycles, one with each kind of drive. Here is the result of my very unscientific experiment:

chain - sucks

shaft - huge improvement

belt - the awesome

I prefer the chain to the shaft on a motorbike myself but the belt is so the way to fly on any kind of bike if you can afford it.

Tony Adams said:

I've had three motorcycles, one with each kind of drive. Here is the result of my very unscientific experiment:

chain - sucks

shaft - huge improvement

belt - the awesome

I think about chain-less bikes from time to time, mostly because it would solve the mystery chain prints that end up all over my arms and legs.  

and trousers!

Liz said:

I think about chain-less bikes from time to time, mostly because it would solve the mystery chain prints that end up all over my arms and legs.  


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