And she thinks she's being persecuted by red light camera tickets!

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I think, that like those metal teeth that pop up to prevent cars from reversing should be deployed when lights turn need for cameras then.

My favorite quote:

"seems like there is a red light camera on every corner"

Wouldn't you think that would be enough to keep you from running red lights? 

Go figure...

If there was a way that red light camera could catch cyclists this whole thread would read WAY different.

And if careless and reckless drivers didn't kill people, this whole thread would read WAY different. as well.

Michael A said:

If there was a way that red light camera could catch cyclists this whole thread would read WAY different.

I am not arguing , I am just pointing out that if cyclists were fined for running red lights by an automated system they would be pissed off even more then drivers.

In places where the speeding cams are set up, offenses have dropped by 2/3, not a fluke, people tend to obey the law more when they KNOW they will be fined, instead of just when they are caught.

BTW, you are not above the law just because you are not killing someone.

Thunder gave the pat answer the city gives, but when you boil it down it is all about money.  Which is also why it is a fine/fee NOT a moving offense.  However you get caught speeding on the expressway by IDOT that is a moving violation because they get your plate AND your face.  

Chicago's pockets are deep because once the politicians find the hole in their pocket, well they find yours doesn't have a hole.  And your neighbor's.  And your friend's.  Infinite amount of pockets.

Thunder Snow said:

Because the camera sees only the car, not the driver.  You can always claim your idiot cousin or friend was driving your car.
Julie Hochstadter said:

Why doesn't it go on their record like a speeding ticket?

My only problem with the red light cameras is that I have to take my eyes off the road in order to look to the right at the pedestrian second counter to see how much time I have left to get through the intersection because the yellow lights are ridiculously short. When the cameras go in the yellow light time gets reduced. The Peterson and Western intersection is notorious for an overly short yellow light. I start breaking while the light is still green if the pedestrian second counter is down to one or two seconds left in order to avoid a ticket....that is a safety hazard, especially if the guy behind me is also looking at the pedestrian second counter instead of looking at my break lights.

If you've ever received a red light ticket, you can see the video of the infraction and the camera calculates your speed and the length of the yellow light. The duration of the yellow light is indicated in seconds in the bottom of video 

Ah, yes. That perennial favorite argument of the camera-haters was bound to make an appearance in this thread. Too bad it isn't true. The light is yellow for 3 seconds. A tribune story found no proof of the light being yellow for a shorter period in intersections with a red light camera.

Sol said:

My only problem with the red light cameras is that I have to take my eyes off the road in order to look to the right at the pedestrian second counter to see how much time I have left to get through the intersection because the yellow lights are ridiculously short. When the cameras go in the yellow light time gets reduced. The Peterson and Western intersection is notorious for an overly short yellow light. I start breaking while the light is still green if the pedestrian second counter is down to one or two seconds left in order to avoid a ticket....that is a safety hazard, especially if the guy behind me is also looking at the pedestrian second counter instead of looking at my break lights.

I got a ticket recently for going through a red. It got thrown out but I surely learned my lesson.

Michael A said:

I am not arguing , I am just pointing out that if cyclists were fined for running red lights by an automated system they would be pissed off even more then drivers.

In places where the speeding cams are set up, offenses have dropped by 2/3, not a fluke, people tend to obey the law more when they KNOW they will be fined, instead of just when they are caught.

BTW, you are not above the law just because you are not killing someone.


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