Driver who hit cyclist not charged because cyclist "wearing dark colored clothing."

Nothing about lack of lights . . . I guess if you hit a cyclist and they didn't pull out the 80s neon before their ride, you're off the hook.

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Ugh.  Probably not a good idea to react too strongly until more info is in about those lights, or lack thereof.  

Okay, this has bugged me for weeks now, but almost every weekday since mid November i've had occasion to drive inbound Milwaukee avenue at about 6AM. Several times now along the stretch south of Euclid av (Glenview,) i have seen the same guy riding along without lights or reflector in the roadway. He turns west at Central. Last time i saw him i very nearly didn't- he was going up the railway bridge just before Glenview road... he nearly became a hood ornament. i haven't seen him since then and i sincerely hope he's okay, but i don't doubt that when (not if) he gets clobbered, the driver who hits him doesn't get cited. He's a true Ninja Cyclist... at least he isn't a salmon.

The speed limit on Milwaukee along that stretch is 40 to 45, and most drivers at that time of the AM are doing 50+. i doubt that any collision would be survivable.


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