San Diego: May 1, 2015. Driver hits cyclist in head with hammer.

Does a cyclist deserve to be tailgaited, passed closer than 3 feet, cut off, harassed and threatened, and then attacked and assaulted with a hammer ? Hell NO ! Bologne Macaroni !

This is the time of the year when some drivers do the most harassment and intimidation to try to scare off the many cyclists now on the roads.

Get their license plate numbers. Witnesses. Call 911. Press charges.

Let's get these drivers off the roads !

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Very glad a witness saw the assault and battery and got his plate number.

For one's own safety it's probably best to just pull over until the crazy people go away. I would have a hard time following my own advice in this situation but I'm not emotional at this moment so perhaps I'll plan ahead for this type of thing. Perhaps next time it could be a tazer or a gun or pepper spray or caustic chemicals. As the old saying goes: "you may be right but don't be dead right"!

Yeah, this. I just pull between two parked cars, jump on the sidewalk, and keep repeating "Leave me the F alone", and/or "I'm just trying to get home to my wife and kid".  Aggro drivers aren't worth it. 

This is why helmets are so very important.


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