Dr. Janet D Rowley, 85 year old matriarch of modern Cancer genetics rides to work!

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I've read about her before. Amazing. Anyone who knows her want to invite her to join the site? (maybe she's already on here....)
It's true. I work in the same building as she does. I've seen her several times. In the warmer seasons, you can see her awesome cruiser parked on one of the building racks. I'll try mentioning the chainlink to her!
Yes, and we'd love to interview her as Chainlink Professional. Work it!

MagMileMarauder said:
It's true. I work in the same building as she does. I've seen her several times. In the warmer seasons, you can see her awesome cruiser parked on one of the building racks. I'll try mentioning the chainlink to her!
I think she would look great on www.bikefancy.com!
I also see her riding around campus and it always floors me.  Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, pioneering scientist and 85 year old bike rider.  She's awesome.
Well I'm officially stalking Dr. Janet D Rowley for inclusion in Bike Fancy for Spring.  Please let me know if any of you know her.
I'm stalking her as well to be the next chainlink professional. Maybe we can do the interview and photos at the same time?

Martha Williams said:
Well I'm officially stalking Dr. Janet D Rowley for inclusion in Bike Fancy for Spring.  Please let me know if any of you know her.
Pic please!

MagMileMarauder said:
 In the warmer seasons, you can see her awesome cruiser parked on one of the building racks. 
Hey, I know the photographer.  I can get in touch with him if you or Julie are interested. 

Martha Williams said:
I would love to have her at the next Women Who Bike Brunch!  :)
We would all love to meet her.  If anyone could reach out to her that would be fantastic!


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