I tried the search feature, and it isn't working.  I'm sure this is a common gripe. But why can't the city do anything about all the cars double parked in the bike lane.  ESPECIALLY UPS, FedEx, and USPS.  I could gather 4 or 5 pictures daily of these guys double parked in an obvious bike lane.

Maybe that is what I should do.  Start stopping and taking pictures with my cell. Then writing to the owners of companies.

"Forcing bikes to quickly merge with traffic is dangerous.  The city has created these wonderfully useful "Bike lanes"  however, we are unable to use them, because you keep parking your delivery trucks in them.  This is not a delivery lane. It is a bike lane.  Please instruct your drivers that this is unsafe, and Illegal."

Now if we could just get the CPD to do something about it.

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Alex Z said:


Mark said:

Let them double park in the traffic lane, like they do everywhere there ISN'T a bike lane.



William Beck said:

In any LEGAL spot would be fine with me.

notoriousDUG said:

Where should UPS, USPS and Fedex park their trucks when they make a delivery then?

So you want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic but you?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:


Alex Z said:


Mark said:

Let them double park in the traffic lane, like they do everywhere there ISN'T a bike lane.


Maybe professional truck drivers could find a legal spot to park their truck, just like the rest of us must do to legally park.

notoriousDUG said:

And if there is no legal spot that fit a truck that size?

Where should a beer truck trying to deliver in Wicker Park park?

William Beck said:

In any LEGAL spot would be fine with me.

notoriousDUG said:

Where should UPS, USPS and Fedex park their trucks when they make a delivery then?

No, I don't want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic.

I want them to park legally, like I've been saying.

notoriousDUG said:

So you want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic but you?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:


Alex Z said:


Mark said:

Let them double park in the traffic lane, like they do everywhere there ISN'T a bike lane.


I'm more concerned with how they drive than where they park. Just a few weeks ago I had a UPS truck buzz me real close on California north of Belmont and that was not pleasant. Not at all.

Same with cabbies. I don't mind them pulling into the bike lane to drop someone off so long as they pull as far right as they can and don't let the passenger out on the left side. Then pay attention before pulling back into traffic. The only time it really bugs me when cabs block the bike lane is when they have plenty of room to park in the vicinity of where they're dropping off but still block the lane. 

Cabs and delivery drivers who pull as far to the right as possible are not the problem. The problem I have are double parked cars to get their starbucks or what not. Maybe all you complainers about delivery trucks should start a petition to city hall to provide these vehicles adequate parking spaces for their deliveries. I really don't see what the problem is unless they are in a PBL. I'd like to hear some real cases where checking behind you and taking the lane is a real problem. Or is the main complaint that you have to slow down and break your cadence to adjust to your surroundings. My god what do you do when there is a pothole or broken glass? If you really cant stand it, do something about it.

Isn't participating in this lively forum doing something about it?

I'm going to ask again; where do you suggest a beer, food service delivery truck, or even a larger UPS truck park legally in the Wicker Park area around The Crotch?  And again, is it really that scary to pass a double parked truck?  How do you cope with roads that do not have a dedicated bike lane?

You talk a lot about what you want but seem unwilling to discus what can be done with in the confines of the infrastructure we have right now.  Saying you want them to park in a legal spot without a willingness to talk about the lack of legal parking spots in general and the fact that larger delivery trucks do not fit into most parking spots changes your comments to looking for a compromise that solves the problem to just simply bitching that the world is not exactly as you want it.  Quit being a whiner and start talking about solving the issue.

Rather than replying about what you want how about you answer some questions about the reality of the situation and have a discussion about the reality of it rather than whine you don't have what you want?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:

No, I don't want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic.

I want them to park legally, like I've been saying.

notoriousDUG said:

So you want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic but you?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:


Alex Z said:


Mark said:

Let them double park in the traffic lane, like they do everywhere there ISN'T a bike lane.


They complain about it here...

Davo said:

Cabs and delivery drivers who pull as far to the right as possible are not the problem. The problem I have are double parked cars to get their starbucks or what not. Maybe all you complainers about delivery trucks should start a petition to city hall to provide these vehicles adequate parking spaces for their deliveries. I really don't see what the problem is unless they are in a PBL. I'd like to hear some real cases where checking behind you and taking the lane is a real problem. Or is the main complaint that you have to slow down and break your cadence to adjust to your surroundings. My god what do you do when there is a pothole or broken glass? If you really cant stand it, do something about it.

not really other than being entertaining. (although that is running thin as well). I believe that there are far bigger fish to fry than this. It is far more dangerous for cabs who don't pull all the way to a curb to drop off or pick up fares than it is for any delivery vehicle who is already stopped. I guess it sucks that we cant just breeze through any commute or ride with out using that thing on top of our neck.

Here are a few, quickly thought up suggestions regarding delivery trucks that are double parked.

Have you ever seen a street sign about no parking between time-one and time-two, or 15 minute parking between time-one and time-two? Many businesses pay to have space reserved on the street to receive supplies during a scheduled time frame.

The city could require, or the businesses being delivered to could require that deliveries be made in the pre-dawn hours, when the streets mostly clear (at least the larger streets that have businesses on them).

That's just a start ... but I'm sure you'll think I'm whining.

It seems that when someone disagrees with you, DUG, instead of engaging in discourse, you attack the person. I may be mistaken, but it sure seems like it to me.

notoriousDUG said:

I'm going to ask again; where do you suggest a beer, food service delivery truck, or even a larger UPS truck park legally in the Wicker Park area around The Crotch?  And again, is it really that scary to pass a double parked truck?  How do you cope with roads that do not have a dedicated bike lane?

You talk a lot about what you want but seem unwilling to discus what can be done with in the confines of the infrastructure we have right now.  Saying you want them to park in a legal spot without a willingness to talk about the lack of legal parking spots in general and the fact that larger delivery trucks do not fit into most parking spots changes your comments to looking for a compromise that solves the problem to just simply bitching that the world is not exactly as you want it.  Quit being a whiner and start talking about solving the issue.

Rather than replying about what you want how about you answer some questions about the reality of the situation and have a discussion about the reality of it rather than whine you don't have what you want?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:

No, I don't want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic.

I want them to park legally, like I've been saying.

notoriousDUG said:

So you want them just stopped in the whole road backing up all the traffic but you?

Michael J Blane 6.5 said:


Alex Z said:


Mark said:

Let them double park in the traffic lane, like they do everywhere there ISN'T a bike lane.



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