Anybody have any experience with these bikes?

I'm looking for a cargo, but don't want to spend $3000! The frames are made in China, and they are folding bikes. The seller said there is a 2 yr warranty but they don't even have a paypal account-check or cash. 


Please, any thoughts?  Thanks.

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Hi There, not sure if this is of help but I looked into them a while back but ran short on budget, I thought they were pretty rad and solid, came across the below review posted on their Facebook page, assuming Chris is real I would feel confident putting my money down on one of their bikes, especially If you don't want to put out $3000 to $4000 for a bakfiets.

Hello – I recently purchased a model Ryan from Double Dutch bicycles. (DDB)

I am certainly not one to volunteer references and I am not easily impressed since I have been fortunate to have owned quality bicycles.
However after receiving this bicycle I pro actively contacted Dan at DDB and offered to put my enthusiasm in writing.
First the quality is impressive, heavy duty welds throughout the frame demonstrate the quality of this bicycle.
It is meant and designed to haul people or cargo, and it is built for years of heavy use. The wooden cargo box, lights and frame have an excellent finish, fit and function.
In addition I was unaware of how complete the entire set up is upon arrival. DDB includes tools, and extra hardware, and a seat cushion, rain deflector and box cover.
All really high quality nice to have extras that I was unaware that came with each model. The extra hardware is nice stainless steel and the extras will come in handy.
The customer service post sale from DDB has also been excellent. Many emails have gone back and forth and the staff at DDB clearly takes pride in their products and company.
The bicycles are fun to own, easy to maintain and provide an excellent work out. With the seven gears I am able to haul my 5 year old son up steep hills.
Bottom line the whole experience of working with DDB is highly impressive.
The products, people and knowledge is the reason I feel compelled to put my thoughts into words.
I have already received numerous compliments on this model, most want to know where this is available for purchase.
I feel highly confident providing them with DDB’s contact information based on my experiences alone.
I look forward to owning this bicycle for a long time and staying in touch with the individuals at DDB".
Chris Mello

I would be very nervous about a folding cargo bike. That folding mechanism seems like it would be a weak point in the weld and even if it isn't I'd bet it would ride squirrely if the weight is not equally distributed on each side of the fold. 

I briefly looked into these but decided quickly against it. Adeline Adeline had their Defietsfrabrieks on sale pretty cheaply and month or so back. Babboe is another semi-affordable option. I went with a Joe Box Bike. The Indianapolis distributor Bob Barr at Indy Cycle Specialists on Washington St might still have one 2011 model kicking around that he could part with cheaply. Joe Bike has since discontinued these cheap ones and moved all production to our shores so the new starting price for 2012 models is $3400. Ouch.

Check it out:

I bet you could talk them down a couple hundred too. Mine is available for test riding in Logan if you're interested. 

Chuck and Ash L.,

Thanks so much, I appreciate both of your input. I'm on the fence! I really want a cargo, mostly to ride around with my dog. He is very nervous and I'd rather have him in front so I can keep him calm when we're riding.

Ash L.,

I would totally appreciate being able to take it for a ride, that is really awesome of you to offer : )

I believe that Haley trikes are made almost exclusively for dogs. They have little swinging doors and everything. I wonder if CL member Allen Wrench is considering selling his. Some builder fabricated a great pooch friendly front loader a couple of years ago. It had a hammock shaped mesh cargo area and a harness built in. I wish I could find the link for it.

Haha!!! Love it!

Found it. Frances Smallhaul made by Joshua Muir. Seems like a great compromise between fast/light and cargo friendly. more photos here 

Thanks! Great leads. I was looking into the CETMA

But they cost $3K. They'll last and look great, but I just can't pull the trigger. I might try to make 1 out of some old bikes but it would take me all summer and probably not make it past the test drive!

I need to just get drunk and order 1!


I've always wanted to ride a Cetma. If you pull, I'll push.

I'm on my way there! Couple more of these Oak Barrel Stouts, and I'll be maxing out the old Visa!

Are you happy with the Joebox? Disc brakes? Does she handle pretty good?


It's got a v-brake up front (though it could have had disc tabs but there's seriously no need when you never go more than 12MPH) and a roller brake in the rear. The bike handles smooth as butter. I had a Madsen before this that I pretty famously dropper with four kids in it last September so I can say with some authority that this one is much easier to handle at slow speeds/stopped. It is less jaunty though so if speed is a priority I'd consider other options. 


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