This is a group that realizes that we all have something in common.  We ride bikes. We can have differing points of view on a vast array of topics related to and completely seperate from biking, but we have at least some common ground and that is a start.


A group that understands we have all erred.  We have all been judgmental or harsh or critical or unfair to our fellow cyclists, and that there is a better way forward.  You don't have to be perfect to join, but you should be committed to trying harder.  A group that seeks to find ways where our common ground allows for some unity, and our unity creates power and numbers that advances our common goals.


Come and join Cyclists Who Love Cyclists and the Cyclists Who Love Them today, and help stop the hating.  It's time for a whole lot of bike love, and a little bit of unity.


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Hey Duppie,

I am still a moderator. Overall, the goal of moderators since I have been one seems to be to have a pretty light-touch. I don't disagree with that, and there are lots of times we discuss postings, and there are times we reach out to individuals, or give them "strikes" or suspend them and even ban them. The funny thing is that, our light touch is portrayed as diabolical censorship and interference and hostility and every other thing you can imagine on the occassions when it is used. Classic damned if you do damned if you don't scenarios over and over, so it is a bit of a winder that doesn't seem to let up.

I also think it goes beyond the Chainlink, as the Chainlink is just the online manifestation of what it is talking about, namely a bicycling community. I've been in numerous social settings over the course of the last few years where the constant theme of conversation is similar amongst the cyclists....exasperation with other cyclists and a laundry list of complaints about how other people cycle.

I say this having recognized it in myself as I grew tired of it. It is kind of easy to think of someone else as part of the problem when you catch them being part of the problem, but what about when you catch yourself doing it?

I am not a fan of the yelling-screaming-way of doing things that we have have degenerated into, as a society, so again, that is just the bicycling community representing a bad progression. I think this group could be what you describe, but that wasn't my intent. I don't mind it turning into anything positive at all, or even nothing. it is just the internets.

i like the idea that it might be a place where ideas are discussed that bring us together though, which I think would be good. It would be nice to talk about constructive ways of talking to others. I think there are ways you can do outreach that people are receptive to, and then ways that get their dander up and shut down your hopes of reaching them. Maybe we could discuss ways to do if you want to get people to lock up better, how do you educate them without them thinking of you as preaching at them, and shutting down? Same thing with any topic....wearing a helmet, being safe, etc.

Part of the creation of this group is just because it seemed like a way to bring the topic itself to the forum. Plus I had to show off my mad art skillz.

Cheers - Lee
People do get quite scrappy here, and I think that it's appropriate that one of the scrappiest be the one to pick up on this comment. I agree with you much of the time, Howard, but it's abrasiveness like yours and of others here that keeps me off the forums much of the time.

I'm not thin-skinned... I just don't see the point. Maybe that's my problem.

H3N3 said: This is inaccurate from start to finish, and quite obviously colored by your own bias.
But it's a great illustration of the problem with this thread-- if you aren't specific about who or what you're reacting to, the wrong people are going to think it's about them, and as we see here the people who can't seem to post anything at all without provoking or baiting another member are going to think it's about the "other guy" and high-five you for the perceived validation.
I'm not hating! I'm not hating! Crap...

I should have sat on my hands a little longer.
By the way Howard, I really like your avatar. It's adorable.
Srsly. Makes me wish there was a curvy bicycle accessory that started with the letter J.
It was, very much so, directed squarely at you. And as I thought you would, you took the opportunity throw some sparks at the gas can. I don't know you Howard, but this is my perception of you based off of the text I read under posts with your name. I don't see you outside of these forums. Am I to blame because of what you represent in your own posts?

Ill take that. I wont help you set this thread on fire as well. That's my last 2 cents.

H3N3 said:
The comment was directed squarely at me, Jera Sue--
I'll speak up for myself, and would respect your right to speak up for yourself as well.

Yes, sometimes, when others are passionate about something, or react strongly because their position or views are being trivialized or marginalized, it's possible that you don't
"see the point" because what's important to them is less important to you.

Jera Sue said:
People do get quite scrappy here, and I think that it's appropriate that one of the scrappiest be the one to pick up on this comment. I agree with you much of the time, Howard, but it's abrasiveness like yours and of others here that keeps me off the forums much of the time.
I'm not thin-skinned... I just don't see the point. Maybe that's my problem. H3N3 said: This is inaccurate from start to finish, and quite obviously colored by your own bias. But it's a great illustration of the problem with this thread-- if you aren't specific about who or what you're reacting to, the wrong people are going to think it's about them, and as we see here the people who can't seem to post anything at all without provoking or baiting another member are going to think it's about the "other guy" and high-five you for the perceived validation.
Read it as you like. Have a good night Howard.

H3N3 said:
So you dredged this up here specifically to bait me?
Big of you to admit that, at least, but heretoforth your "my ____ doesn't stink" act is not going to be terribly convincing.

Richard T. Conley said:
It was, very much so, directed squarely at you. And as I thought you would, you took the opportunity throw some sparks at the gas can. I don't know you Howard, but this is my perception of you based off of the text I read under posts with your name. I don't see you outside of these forums. Am I to blame because of what you represent in your own posts?

Ill take that. I wont help you set this thread on fire as well. That's my last 2 cents.

H3N3 said:
The comment was directed squarely at me, Jera Sue--
I'll speak up for myself, and would respect your right to speak up for yourself as well.

Yes, sometimes, when others are passionate about something, or react strongly because their position or views are being trivialized or marginalized, it's possible that you don't
"see the point" because what's important to them is less important to you.

Jera Sue said:
People do get quite scrappy here, and I think that it's appropriate that one of the scrappiest be the one to pick up on this comment. I agree with you much of the time, Howard, but it's abrasiveness like yours and of others here that keeps me off the forums much of the time.
I'm not thin-skinned... I just don't see the point. Maybe that's my problem. H3N3 said: This is inaccurate from start to finish, and quite obviously colored by your own bias. But it's a great illustration of the problem with this thread-- if you aren't specific about who or what you're reacting to, the wrong people are going to think it's about them, and as we see here the people who can't seem to post anything at all without provoking or baiting another member are going to think it's about the "other guy" and high-five you for the perceived validation.
I hate everyone equally, does that count?
Some People Are Not Nice
By Jera Sue

Some people are not nice to other people because they believe that in order to be respected they can never be vulnerable in which case they should always draw first blood.

Some people are not nice to other people because they grew up in a rough environment and have learned from a very young age that snark and douchebaggery is the only way to come to a conclusion in a debate.

Some people are not nice to other people because to be nice is not cool.

Some people are not nice to other people because it's been a long time since they've had relations with another person.

I think it's really important for mean people to be nice, at least for as long as it takes for someone to sleep with them. Then maybe they'll be nicer people in general and won't even have to try so hard.

The End
As much as it actually pains me to defend someone I am going to have to stand up for Howard here; you pulled a very passive aggressive move singling out, and chastising, Howard for being mean in a thread about how we should all be getting along in the thread about how we should all get along
but want to hold the moral high ground and I have to call shenanigans on that.

Mind you I, obviously, have no issue with calling people out; just don't try to act as if you hold the high ground.

Did I do this nice enough?

I swear I am not intentionally trying to derail the 'be nice' thread.


conleyri said:
Read it as you like. Have a good night Howard.
H3N3 said:
So you dredged this up here specifically to bait me?
Big of you to admit that, at least, but heretoforth your "my ____ doesn't stink" act is not going to be terribly convincing.
Richard T. Conley said:
It was, very much so, directed squarely at you. And as I thought you would, you took the opportunity throw some sparks at the gas can. I don't know you Howard, but this is my perception of you based off of the text I read under posts with your name. I don't see you outside of these forums. Am I to blame because of what you represent in your own posts?

Ill take that. I wont help you set this thread on fire as well. That's my last 2 cents.
H3N3 said:
The comment was directed squarely at me, Jera Sue--
I'll speak up for myself, and would respect your right to speak up for yourself as well.

Yes, sometimes, when others are passionate about something, or react strongly because their position or views are being trivialized or marginalized, it's possible that you don't
"see the point" because what's important to them is less important to you. Jera Sue said:
People do get quite scrappy here, and I think that it's appropriate that one of the scrappiest be the one to pick up on this comment. I agree with you much of the time, Howard, but it's abrasiveness like yours and of others here that keeps me off the forums much of the time.
I'm not thin-skinned... I just don't see the point. Maybe that's my problem. H3N3 said: This is inaccurate from start to finish, and quite obviously colored by your own bias. But it's a great illustration of the problem with this thread-- if you aren't specific about who or what you're reacting to, the wrong people are going to think it's about them, and as we see here the people who can't seem to post anything at all without provoking or baiting another member are going to think it's about the "other guy" and high-five you for the perceived validation.
Or maybe people have a different definition of nice than you do.

There are several people on here that I have seen accused of being mean or abrasive but have never done anything I would consider mean or abrasive.

I think I'm a nice guy but I bet you can find several people who would disagree; maybe even as many as I can find who would agree...

Jera Sue said:
Some People Are Not Nice
By Jera Sue

Some people are not nice to other people because they believe that in order to be respected they can never be vulnerable in which case they should always draw first blood.

Some people are not nice to other people because they grew up in a rough environment and have learned from a very young age that snark and douchebaggery is the only way to come to a conclusion in a debate.

Some people are not nice to other people because to be nice is not cool.

Some people are not nice to other people because it's been a long time since they've had relations with another person.

I think it's really important for mean people to be nice, at least for as long as it takes for someone to sleep with them. Then maybe they'll be nicer people in general and won't even have to try so hard.

The End
True enough ;)


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