See it to your right? Just curious here.. What is the single biggest donation the chainlink has received so far?

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Are you running a pool?
Not interested. Glad the site's here as a resource and glad to give my meager sum.
Chainlink, Keep up the good work!
Sorry MARK, not cool.

M.A.R.K. said:
No Howard, not trying to be dickish at all here. And am not testing Julie one bit.

You know, I'll just let Julie handle this.  If it was my site I'd find it somewhere between uncomfortable and disrespectful that you chose to publicly call me out for this information, to which you have absolutely no entitlement.

But it's not, so I'll just butt out.

Nobody's "pissed" MARK.  But I don't think you're being respectful to the site management.
My instincts were sound. None of this would have happened if M.A.R.K. had simply started a pool.

I want to see this site's long form birth certificate!

I don't see why the question is disrespectful in it's current form.


I would like to see, "Someone donated $1000.00. Can you beat it?"

To be perfectly honest, I don't think Mark's question is that out of line. Even if you're not a non-profit in official parlance, soliciting donations at least implies that you are not a for-profit. And either way, I don't generally donate to anyone without at least some idea of how the money is being spent. For a non-profit, that means I at least take a cursory look at the financial statements to see how much money they're taking in, and how the money I'm giving them is likely to be spent. As it is, the statement from the donation page- "we’re free to do what we feel is right to serve the community" isn't really clear enough for me personally. Who is the "we" deciding what is right? And then of course, the obvious question of what exactly is "right?" A look at any of the more contentious debates on this site shows there really isn't consensus on a lot of issues relating to biking.


If this is indeed a community, and those who donate are part of that, then knowing how much as been donated shouldn't be that big of a deal. You opened that can of worms by soliciting donations in the first place.

Even then. I don't think the question was about digging into the finances. I think it was about a question just from curiosity.
Agreed.  And stop tempting me to donate $1000.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Even then. I don't think the question was about digging into the finances. I think it was about a question just from curiosity.
Doooooo it.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Agreed.  And stop tempting me to donate $1000.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Even then. I don't think the question was about digging into the finances. I think it was about a question just from curiosity.


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