See it to your right? Just curious here.. What is the single biggest donation the chainlink has received so far?

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I can make an accurate judgement about the thread. If there are more deleted posts, please bring them forward. I also read M.A.R.K.'s posting history going back to December and do not see him stirring up problems either.


All I'm saying is that polite and civil society asks that you bring proof for your accusations. Else it is inappropriate to bring them.

H3N3 said:

I'm sorry Adam, you don't know enough in this situation to make an accurate judgement.

My issue is that "donation" is misleading to use for a for profit enterprise. You can not get a tax write-off for "donating" to a for profit.

Chainlink doesn't want to be nonprofit but the nonprofit hassles it cites create accountability and transparency, which have their role in a community.

If Chainlink needs support from users then it would be more accurate to suggest an optional fee for service payment.

At the very least, Chainlink should have a disclaimer on the donation page that it is not a 501c3 so "donations" are not tax exempt.

I simply feel that if you regularly partake in forums like this and visit the site often, and if you feel that is worth something to you, donate what you want.  I know enough to say maintaining websites costs money, and more importantly, time.  I don't know Julie personally but I'd say it's a pretty safe bet she's not using donation money to party at the club on weekends or something.  I never looked at it any other way, nor have I ever felt forced or guilted into donating -- which I appreciate.

To be completely honest I have yet to donate, but that is because I am partly unable and partly refusing to use PayPal.  I find their company disgusting to put it lightly, but that's for another thread.  I contacted Julie via a private message before the holidays about maybe using WePay in addition to PayPal, so if there were any other people out there like me there might be an (slight) uptick in donation money.

Haven't heard back from her since then really, but I figured this was as good a time as any to see if there was wider interest in this and bring it to Julie's attention.  

This was cool to know - Aaron & I donated because this is the sight that introduced us (awwww) and we formed some great friendships from (double awwww.) I always love seeing how generous we all are & participating.


Keep up the great work Julie & volunteers and keep up the great work chainlinkers.


It because of this site that I know Aaron too.   Can i get a refund for that?


Katie Paffhouse said:

This was cool to know - Aaron & I donated because this is the sight that introduced us (awwww) and we formed some great friendships from (double awwww.) I always love seeing how generous we all are & participating.


Keep up the great work Julie & volunteers and keep up the great work chainlinkers.


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