Does anyone know who left that big pile of dog shit on the ramp down to the tunnel that takes you over to the LFP? It's right at the entrance/exit of the corner of the ramp, which is a tight enough corner as it is, but has been extra tight for the last few weeks due to that pile of crap.

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I guess you are the one to volunteer to clean it up !

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that a dog left that big pile of dog shit. :)
It could have been a person. Stranger things...
no, the dog passed it. The person left it. I came close to riding through it every day for the last few weeks.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that a dog left that big pile of dog shit. :)
wise man sez. shit happens
mabe the rain washed it away today
Reminds me of last summer riding home from Evanston. I was heading back home and ran over a pile of leaves and such in the tunnel in Lake Forest. The leaves were placed over the poo instead of picking it up. I stopped soon and notice I had the poo all over the tires and down tube along with the wonderful smell coming from my backpack. Not like you can blame the dog, dumb ass owner got lazy and left it. What is the fine in Chicago for not picking up your dog's poo? Do the cops enforce this law ever?
i think i might know..

Wow, I thought the whole 311 thing was a joke. It's definitely the same mound, not a recurring one. And unless it was a bad hangover, martin, it's not human. When that long bout of snow everywhere finally melted was when I first saw it there. I was glad that the snow was gone so I could take a wide line around the corner, but alas, there it was. I'm hoping the rain washed it away.
My husband and I used to live in Philadelphia, in a neighborhood near the Schuylkill River (extra points to anyone who can pronounce Schuylkill correctly). There was a lovely bike path along the river that went to Center City, but it was overrun with evil geese who would terrorize bicyclists. Also, they crapped everywhere! One day my husband was getting ready to shower at the university gym when he realized that there was goose shit on his towel! He had run over some, it splattered onto his panniers, and then he'd accidentally gotten it on his towel. Ew.

I'm afraid of geese, BTW.

I don't know what it is about snow that makes city dog owners think they don't have to clean up after their pets. I have a dog, and I would never leave a pile of his poop in the snow or anywhere else. I've stepped in it way too many times (Philly was even worse with the dog crap) to ever be so rude.

OK, enough about excrement, it's time to get back to work!
Goose droppings on a towel?! What a load of Wissahickon Schist! And gross.

(and that's funny, I had enough with work, and thought I'd talk about shit for a while. Wasn't expecting this forum to stay active, but I guess I under-estimated our interest in the subject.)
You know, if it's been there, unchanged, for 3 weeks now it could be that it's that fake plastic dog shit that you can get at a novelty shop :)


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