One thing that stuck out to me about this tragedy was how terrible the cabbie's driving record was. If he had 30 tickets, why was he still driving a cab? Are cab drivers really that poorly regulated?

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I could point out that most libertarians would argue that a plethora of laws already exists to prevent this sort of tragedy and that it's a fool's errand to push for additional legislation when already existing legislation often is so lackadaisically enforced (and never mind the fact that I've yet to meet any libertarian who'd ever suggest something as outlandish as mandatory bicycle registration with a straight face), but I really would hate for that to get in the way of your enjoyment of painting idiotic caricatures of people whose ideas and beliefs you don't understand.

yea I guess Im just a tax and spend democrat then.


I started reading through the rules and regulations.  Part of the problems is the number of loop holes for drivings.  There are many may or might statements in the wording of recieved and renewing the license. 


Also the license renewals are annual so it would take a year of numerous complaints before a bad driver could lose his license.


It doesn't sound like legislation is needed, so much as enforcement of existing rules and making it harder for poor drivers to get/keep their license.


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