I see some reports that the Divvy expansion is finally happening (south-side first). But no word from the usually marketing-savvy Divvy folks.

Anyone have an update on the expansion, and it's timeline?

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Looks like it started on Monday.  Just found this article.


They added 7 stations overnight. Total of 317 now.

They added one at a place I expected, but perhaps I only expected it because it has been on the list and it is my orange line stop at Archer and 35th!

Hopefully this will add some weight to the conclusion that Archer needs bike lanes east of Throop.

me? well, personally I ride my own bike pretty much everywhere, so no, not really.  But my wife is more inclined to not ride in the rain or snow, and she has a DIVVY membership so she will probably use it occasionally. Think a rainy morning when she takes the el to work, but then the sun comes out in time for the commute home. 

I can't see using it enough to get a membership for myself and the cost for one day pass is just too high or me for the occasional commuting emergency (like say, somehow both of my working bikes are not working). Also, riding one of those big slow bikes to where I'm currently working in 30 min would be challenging and nerve-wracking.

Was my answer not clear?

They give great, detailed updates at the MBAC meetings - next one is May 7.

Another source for information would be the Aldermanic offices in the areas that you're interested in. I've seen posts by aldermen with the new stations on FB. 

Thanks. May 7 is on my calendar. Really wish they would do these things outside of 9-5 hours.

As far as I know, this is still accurate as far as new locations; I don't know the timeline or order of deployments:


https://twitter.com/DivvyTrack is an unofficial way to see stations coming online. It periodically pings the real-time station API and posts changes when they occur. (I'm not affiliated with it).

Spotted new racks this morning at S Cornell & East Hyde Park Blvd!

I know for a fact that Museum of Science and Industry got one today as did 53rd and Ellis, 55th and Ellis and some I forgot the streets of.

27 stations were installed as of Saturday. Extrapolating that rate, they should be done by Memorial Day.


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