i almost hit a deer on the north branch trail, on the way home last week... literally a deer in my headlight.

any idea how to avoid?

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Umm...going slower around bends? :)

I was up there on the 5th and saw some deer while going north and coming back south, but they were just standing on the side of the path.

A brighter light might get their attention from a distance so you aren't surprised by one on your ride.
pack heat> shoot deer> drag carcass home> hang from tree> skin/clean> eat for a month > profit!
Same thing has happened to me many times. The deer in those woods are so tame they don't even move when you're going by them in broad daylight. I doubt there's much you can do besides yelling at them loudly, though I'm not sure that will help much. I usually just swerve to avoid them.
Yeah but you better be either a hell of a shot with a 9mm or risk carrying a shotgun slung to your back loaded with slugs...


o0_dan_0o said:
pack heat> shoot deer> drag carcass home> hang from tree> skin/clean> eat for a month > profit!
I was on the Des Plaines River trail about a week ago and missed a deer by about a foot. It scared the hell out of me! All i saw were those black eyes, the rest of it blended into the forest. devil.
Was it on the south end of the NBT?
deer in question was where path parallels harms rd s of glenview rd. i see them often in the twilight, but darkness makes it hard to see the boogers, even with a light. a brighter light might actually make the problem worse - thus the saying "deer in the headlights". maybe time for a card in the spokes?

a coworker who is a hunter suggested a "deer whistle" which is made for cars, but alas, they only work >35 mph. tom boonen i am not.

And of course hitting a deer isn't nearly as bad as hitting a bear.

I had read about the Montana one: http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2008/09/10/news/top/news01.txt

And then I find there was a bear incident in Colorado: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/news/2008/jun/26/bicyclist-going-4...

And then of course the Alaska Bear that got the girl on the bike race:

I'll take a deer any day!
elle said:
I don't think a bike will do as much damage to a dear as a car will, however, if you don't want to hurt yourself, wear a helmet and hope for the best. Its all you can do. Probably wouldn't be as bad as hitting an opening car-door anyway (as far as I can imagine).

I don't think the damage to the deer will really be that bad. Any carbon fiber stuff on your bike probably won't do so well though, the german rider that hit a dog at the tour de france ended up almost bending his front wheel in half. It's probably not as bad as getting doored but it's still bad enough. I had a teammate hit a deer on the NBT earlier this year and he ended up with a broken collarbone.


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