is anyone considering biking out to the Dark Lord Day Three Floyds event in Munster Indiana? Its being held on Saturday, April 25th. Its about 30 miles out. Got a Golden Ticket??

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ahaha yeah. i didnt mention the rest of the night...good job alex. hahaha.
weather change to Slight chance of rain...should be any thing tho. ill punch mother nature in the neck if i have to ride that far in the rain to get too drunk. haha.
long shot... but does anyone have any extra golden tickets?

I need up to three tickets and would be willing to trade some 08 Dark Lord for them.
i do not. dont think anyoen that has been posting on here does. i didnt find out about the sales untill it was to late. much like everyone else. haha.
ive got two, but not so sure im willing to part with them

Jamie said:
long shot... but does anyone have any extra golden tickets?

I need up to three tickets and would be willing to trade some 08 Dark Lord for them.
hit me up if you are. I guess it's the only way to get beer this year (which is retarded). I'd throw you a bottle of 08 Dark Lord and reimburse what you paid for them...
there will probably be a few scalpers out there

Jamie said:
hit me up if you are. I guess it's the only way to get beer this year (which is retarded). I'd throw you a bottle of 08 Dark Lord and reimburse what you paid for them...
surely... I've no real intention of overpaying for a ticket. I'd be happy to give someone a hard to find bottle of beer for one though. figured that it didn't hurt to ask.
My game plan was to wait until later in the day/evening when folks are good and boozy. Just start asking some random people if they'd be willing to part with a bottle or two for a few bucks more than whatever they're worth normally. Odds are someone will be drunk and good natured enough to let one go. I was also thinking about bringing some big Avery bottles to use as bargaining chips to maybe sweeten the deal, or at least have something else to offer along with cash. You home brewers probably have a greater advantage considering you have an even more unique commodity which will no doubt appeal to the target market. At the very least it wouldn't hurt be "stuck" with any extra beer, kind of a win-win situation if you ask me.

So what time are you all meeting me at the fish joint on Saturday?
Anyone interested in an 07 DarkLord?

current forcast for saturday

Saturday (24 hours)
Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s
i too have been watching that forecast quite vigilantly!!

joe said:
current forcast for saturday

Saturday (24 hours)
Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s


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