is anyone considering biking out to the Dark Lord Day Three Floyds event in Munster Indiana? Its being held on Saturday, April 25th. Its about 30 miles out. Got a Golden Ticket??

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Only if the weather is better than it was back in January! :)
Yeah, i skipped out on that figuring the weather would be a bit lousy, but this seems like a good opportunity
It was! But it was still a fun ride and great beer and food and company.

Iggy said:
Yeah, i skipped out on that figuring the weather would be a bit lousy, but this seems like a good opportunity
i will most likely be there, but by car unfortunately. bummer about the golden tickets being sold out. they have dark lord on tap though, right?
Im not sure about it being on tap...i think thats part of the schtick...they brew just enough to put it out there (kinda like Samiclaus)...get us excited about it...create all the hoo-ha (or Brew-Ha, if you will), and get it this one time only kinda deal. But i hear people are often willing to a profit of course.
Yeah, i'm planning on heading down with some folks, nothing really organized. I know in general there isn't really bike parking around. Anybody been there in past years know if they put up racks for the fest?
I'll roll with you if you end up riding.
I'm heading out there with some friends who are not strong enough cyclists to ride it. But stop and say hi if you want, we'll be bringing a keg of homebrew and chilling.
what did you make? did you sign up for the home brew tasting at quenchers?

Jim Behymer said:
I'm heading out there with some friends who are not strong enough cyclists to ride it. But stop and say hi if you want, we'll be bringing a keg of homebrew and chilling.
I don't know anything about the home brew tasting at quencher's but we'll be bringing an ESB. And maybe some of my buddy's Alt if I can talk him into it.
im working on a doppelbock that should be ready just in time for the tasting may 31st. sadly, ive got nothing to bring with to the DLD. you should sign up. They are trying to get about 30 people to submit.

Jim Behymer said:
I don't know anything about the home brew tasting at quencher's but we'll be bringing an ESB. And maybe some of my buddy's Alt if I can talk him into it.
I will be there. I'm on the fence about riding. the ride isn't all that bad. I did it in February and had 6 beers and got back just fine. I'm thinking I'll have more to drink on Dark Lord Day though. last year I was there until almost 11pm.


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