OK, so I have two bikes with seized cotter pins on the cranks that I am planning to use for my new tall bike and I CANNOT get the bastards out.  A king pin press just massed and bent them over and I have tried heat plus a hammer and punch until my hands hurt but they are not going anywhere.  I really do not want to cut the cranks up, they are cool old ones that I want to reuse, any hints?


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I drilled out two sets of cottered cranks and find it pretty easy. The cotter pins are crappy pot metal and you can easily save the crank. Feel free to bring to BBM if you come. CHeers - Lee
I overhauled the Robust's bottom bracket a couple weeks ago. The cotter pins hammered out with maybe three easy blows (with a pipe underneath the cranks to absorb the impact). My first thought was "what's the big deal?"--but I guess I must have had an uncharacteristic moment of good fortune. The original early-70's grease, on the other hand, was the consistency of play-dough.


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