Cyclists: Support Keeping Riot Fest in Humboldt Park

Riot Fest in Douglas Park/North Lawndale=3rd highest in violent crime rates ! !

Parks belong to ALL people ! No one owns H.P. ! Thanks to all supporters who signed the petition !

Sign the petition.> > Parks belong to all people. Cyclists have a right to express their opinions. Humboldt Park has been repaired and paid for by the Riot Fest organizers similar to the rain/mud damage from the Lollapalooza event in Grant Park a few years ago.

Organizers for Fiestas Puertorriquenas & Parade committee, Abel DeJesus and Tito 'Angel' Medina, have said that they are happy with the repairs and the park is ready to go for their festival on June11-14

Click above. ^ Pictures. Fact: Cyclists love music and especially enjoy this event for it's accessibility and for the bicycle parking.

Pictures from the Afterglow Cyclocross race in Humboldt Park years ago revealed extensive damage from the event, but the question remains whether they provided any restoration funds. Click on attachments below for Steven Vance's picture of Afterglow's damage.


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They kicked the Afterglow cyclocross race out of the park for less damage.


was just somehow trying to drag this thread into on-topic territory. 

Why should I support something that closes my local park for more than 2 weeks and leaves it trashed?

What Dug said. Also, why should a petition addressed to the internet at large be considered in an attempt force it on the people of Humboldt Park, and what's the connection to cyclists?

I think it was great location for the festival to start out, but it's probably just gotten too big. 100k people over 3 days is just more than the neighborhood can handle.  That's the opinion of some long-time HP residents I've talked to anyways. 


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