Does anyone know what group was cycling in the pride parade yesterday


I only saw part of the parade but was told there was a group riding in the parade.

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Yep, Jon Lind provided three cargo trikes to lead. Gin Kilgore and Michael Burton rode in the parade with their son along with Ald. Joe Moreno and Ald. Scott Waguespeck and some friends.

I'm pretty certain the group of cyclists I saw represented "Ride for Aids Chicago."

There were quite a few of them in their jerseys.


So 2 groups?  Cool.  I rode the last 2 years with Windy City, Active Trans, CDOT and the bike ambassadors.  It was a blast.
I saw the "Ride for AIDS" group - they were a fairly large group.  I guess I missed Gin and co.  Darn!
I was not there, but Michael and Miguel were. Sounds like they had a great time.

Suzy and I rode with Mike and Miguel and the Dutch bikes.  We were all in the "3 Coolest Aldermen" group.  that would be Waguespack, Moreno and Tunney.  We were treated to snacks behind Tunney's restaurant on Belmont and we had a good starting position #11 out of about 200 in the parade.


A friend of mine took some great photos.  I've attached one of them here.


And, there was a Jewish group blasting music....they were playing "Walk Like An Egyptian."


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