I just saw this article linked to someone's blog.  Apparently a woman was hit and killed last night, but I cannot find anything in the news about it.  Does anyone have information?

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I have been searching for any news stories on this and have come up with nothing except for the blog entry you linked to. I live in that general area and would appreciate some information on this incident as well.
Anyone know how to report this to the local news stations?
I really hope it's a work of fiction.
I got in touch with NBC news, and they are looking into this.
Thanks Amber! I also hope that this is just some fictional account on someone's blog, although to make up something like that is just horrible.
FYI - If anyone ever sees anything news worthy, call the NBC assignment desk at 312-836-5658 and report any info you have.
There are a lot of tweets talking about the same thing:
http://twitter.com/goatking (scroll down to the timestamp of about 15 hours ago)
Let's hope it was fiction. It would make this sentence easier to disregard: "It is a sad fact of life that death is the ultimate consequence of biking and while most people are already cautious, please do not take lightly that you may forfeit your life due to the irresponsible actions of the other people on the roads."

The ultimate consequence? Really? Even in the face of tragedy like this, cycling is living, not dying.
I agree with you Brendan. If you look at statistics, bicycling is relatively much safer than being the passenger or driver of a car. I also have to disagree with whoever said that "death is the ultimate consequence of biking" as I feel more alive now that I have started living a bicycling lifestyle and have gotten rid of my car. People die everyday, from a myriad of senseless acts and incidents, not exclusive to bicycling. I will keep on cycling despite tragedies that may happen. The way I see it, I could die walking down the street, hailing a taxi, or boarding a bus.

Brendan said:
Let's hope it was fiction. It would make this sentence easier to disregard: "It is a sad fact of life that death is the ultimate consequence of biking and while most people are already cautious, please do not take lightly that you may forfeit your life due to the irresponsible actions of the other people on the roads."

The ultimate consequence? Really? Even in the face of tragedy like this, cycling is living, not dying.
Oh man. Damn. That freaks me out. Is there any news coverage? What does it take for that to happen? I don't really understand why anyone thinks this is a work of fiction. Have you contacted the author to verify such?
The only reason I think we are doubting this story is that there is usually some sort of news report or something here when someone is in a hit and run, especially one that involves a fatality. After searching around, so far it seems no one has actually found a news report, article or anything related to a hit and run or bicyclist getting injured that night. This story was found on a blog, not any news agency or from an official source, such a police. If anyone has any information on it, it would be really appreciated if they could post it here.

Ruby Red said:
Oh man. Damn. That freaks me out. Is there any news coverage? What does it take for that to happen? I don't really understand why anyone thinks this is a work of fiction. Have you contacted the author to verify such?
I don't "think" it's a piece of fiction- I hope that it is. ...because I haven't found a single news story on it other than that blog, and usually all the news sites have a short bit whenever a cyclist is killed. I can't believe something like this would happen without it being officially reported. Hopeful thinking.

Ruby Red said:
Oh man. Damn. That freaks me out. Is there any news coverage? What does it take for that to happen? I don't really understand why anyone thinks this is a work of fiction. Have you contacted the author to verify such?


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