I saw a cyclist in a high vis jacket detained by a non-uniformed CPD officer on the corner of Milwaukee and Elston at approximatly 5:45 tonight. I couldn't tell it was a cop at first so I asked if everything was alright and the cop told me to keep it moving. I overheard the officer joking with the cyclist and saying that he could call a "street lawyer" if he wanted...

This happened on a pretty busy intersection, anyone see anything go down?

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And here we go...

*gets up from chair, goes to make the popcorn*

I think this was just posted for the lulz.

clp said:

But really, was anyone hurt by this incident?  Drop it.   I've lived in Chicago long enough to appreciate the "tough" stance our cops maintain.  I spent 45 minutes 'cuffed and on my butt, freezing in the Loop wearing nothing but a tee-shirt & running tights during the marathon, just because I failed to recognize and stop when a bike cop told me to do so.  I'm still grateful.  The next guy that bike cop 'cuffs might have just broken into my apartment!  This is a big, dangerous city folks...and for all their insensitivities and mistakes, it is those aggressive cops that keep us safe!


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