Fox 32 TV with video at 9pm has just reported that a cyclist on the lakefront has been hit by a falling tree from the high gusting 50mph winds. Cyclist is injured. More details when link is provided.

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WBBM NEWSRADIO 780 has reported that the tree near Belmont did fallen on and injure a male cyclist after 5pm Wednesday night from the high winds. The cyclist was not seriously injured.

I came accross the scene just after it happened.  Here is a shot of the tree.  It was a big one.  The rider looked like he was shook up but okay.  I'm not sure about his bike.  Thankfully, he appeared not to be severely hurt.

Thank goodness he survived! Yesterday was freakish. There was a noticeable pall of dust and dirt in the air. Reminded me just a tiny bit of what I've seen and read about the Dust Bowl.


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