This is a pretty harrowing account of a cyclist who was recently attacked in Humboldt Park.

"RT @pmontoro: Cyclist mugged and nearly killed in Humboldt Park. This
kind of attack is getting popular."
- Chicago Reader (@Chicago_Reader)

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Not really sure what the police are supposed to do about these attacks. Practically speaking I believe a decoy operation would be the only way to catch these kids. That's not only absurdly labor intensive, but as awful as these attacks are I'm not sure how high a priority you can expect them to be given that on a bad night more than a dozen people are shot. (Yes obviously these kids could kill someone, but it's all a matter of allocating scarce resources.)

As to direct action, it works fine on governments and gangbangers alike if you're willing to kidnap people the way French trade unionists do. More practically, if I lived in the neighborhood I might talk to some local clergy—they're usually wired into what's going on and might well be able to help, especially as they'd be at least as likely as anyone else to have an idea who's actually doing this.
Brian Kennedy said:
You ask how it can help. I ask how can it hurt?

By reinforcing the sense that young white people on bikes are alien interlopers who don't have anything in common with people who grew up in the neighborhood? I don't think that's likely, but it's more likely than gangbangers seeing a mass go by and deciding that this makes them want to live in peace with their neighbors.

Some things that could help and couldn't really hurt would be bicycle patrols, a SMS list that people could hit up to look for a riding buddy if they know they'll be out late, and getting involved with respected older people who have lived in the neighborhood for a long time. Of course I'm not volunteering to do any of that...
In addition to the many good ideas offered here, what about advocacy? I worked for the nonprofit sector in D.C. for a while, so my thoughts naturally turn to it. Does Active Trans (the former CBF) do advocacy around issues like this?
These kinds of attacks have become all too common in the past five years. I live in Oak Park and used to commute to work in the Loop via the west side. But after a couple of scary (though not life threatening) incidents (someone jumping on my rack while I was stopped at a light; and, a couple of guys threatening me with a stick) that I personally experienced, and friends and commuters from Oak Park suffering more serious incidents, we warned the Oak Park police department that a tragedy was in the making and urged collaboration with the Chicago PD. That didn't happen I'm sorry to say. And, sadly, last year there was the fatal beating of a cyclist who was riding home from attending to his mother who was in hospice care. Some of the braver OP commuters continue to commute despite the danger, but they can ride fast enough to usually escape the teenagers that view attacking cyclists as a "sport". I've given it up because I can't out ride them. If any of you have the energy to try to intervene - again - with the Chicago PD (whose attitude is, "well,what were you doing riding there anyway"), I urge you to do so. I'll help in any way I can.
.... I just looked at an apartment today, one and half blocks away from where this happened. ... Good thing that I didn't take it....
I am one of the people who advocates for a CM up California. Bringing a group of citizens to the scene of a crime is a common practice, eg. Ceasefire marches at gun violence sites. I think it demonstrates concern for the victim(s) and demonstrates there is a community of people who know about the violence and care about stopping it. These attackers prey on isolated riders and perhaps they don't realize that we recognize an emerging trend. I admit to being a bleeding heart liberal who thinks that marches and rallys accomplish something, though I agree it should not be the only tactic. I also like the strategies of outreach to police, community groups, buddy-ride system, etc.
yeah. it'd be nice if the cops set up decoys on bikes (with pads on underneath plain clothes just in case) and rode around the block with fuzz buddies following them or positioned to see every move, i.e. the drug and hooker set ups. maybe a robot biker. yeah. robots.

but seriously, i'm glad we can all discuss this. i hope something can be done.

Dr. Doom said:
It sounds like this is one group of kids doing the same thing over and over again. If that's the case people either have to wait for them to get arrested/shot/whatever (doesn't sound like that will take too long) or the police will have to run some sort of decoy operation.
h3 said:
Nothing will be done unless somebody initiates it.

...or someone gets killed! I definitely hope that never happens!
Yea robot bikers with lasers. Sweet

Mark Kenseth said:
yeah. it'd be nice if the cops set up decoys on bikes (with pads on underneath plain clothes just in case) and rode around the block with fuzz buddies following them or positioned to see every move, i.e. the drug and hooker set ups. maybe a robot biker. yeah. robots.

but seriously, i'm glad we can all discuss this. i hope something can be done.

Dr. Doom said:
It sounds like this is one group of kids doing the same thing over and over again. If that's the case people either have to wait for them to get arrested/shot/whatever (doesn't sound like that will take too long) or the police will have to run some sort of decoy operation.
The point of riding through would be primarily to show our strength in numbers. That might disuade the kids from future attacks (dont fuck with us because we are a large group speaks their language). And like someone else mentioned, the rides have been through the park proper, not around its perimter or through the neighborhood. We need exposure outside the park.

But like i also said, it might backfire, in the sense that it will intimadate the kids with the sense of encroachment of gentrification, and then attack lone cyclists. I can almost hear it now "Where the fuck is your group, now?" as one of us gets jumped.

Maybe someone has a better understanding of gang mentality and has a solution. I dont think i do.

Only capital punishment comes to mind.

h3 said:
What is the point of taking the mass through there?
Attacking cyclists has become a sport precisely because cyclists are visible enough to be on the radar of the street folks.
Is it supposed to be intimidating? Is it supposed to make some sort of statement? The mass goes through that area literally every other month already.
I'd really like to know what people are thinking here.
I have been sitting on the side lines reading this post biting my tongue, so here goes...
You want to end these attacks, light a back fire of violence on the gang bangers!
1.Surveillance: Go to check out the map section Identify who runs the area where the attacks are taking place. Start walking the hood during the day. Look for gang graffiti, also get a lay of the land, look for avenues of escape,and ambush, and stash spots for weapons( piles of rubble, golf clubs stashed under porches). Start cruising the hood at night look for where they congregate. Start I.d.'ing the hoods. Wait till early morn and start scoping where they live.
Once you get their habits down and know where the live, ya can start a plan of attack!
2. Attack!
There are 2 avenues of attack you can do.
1. Go for the biggest mfer or the weakest.
2. Property.
I always prefer up close and personal attacks on individuals vs property attacks. Depending on my intel and accessibility of said targets governs whether its the weak or strong who gets hit, usually its the weak, but some times ya get lucky.
When you attack make sure you are swift and blinding in your violence, ie; mace and a small club, break bones! Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...
yeah. which one are you?

Chuck a Muck said:
I have been sitting on the side lines reading this post biting my tongue, so here goes...
You want to end these attacks, light a back fire of violence on the gang bangers!
1.Surveillance: Go to check out the map section Identify who runs the area where the attacks are taking place. Start walking the hood during the day. Look for gang graffiti, also get a lay of the land, look for avenues of escape,and ambush, and stash spots for weapons( piles of rubble, golf clubs stashed under porches). Start cruising the hood at night look for where they congregate. Start I.d.'ing the hoods. Wait till early morn and start scoping where they live.
Once you get their habits down and know where the live, ya can start a plan of attack!
2. Attack!
There are 2 avenues of attack you can do.
1. Go for the biggest mfer or the weakest.
2. Property.
I always prefer up close and personal attacks on individuals vs property attacks. Depending on my intel and accessibility of said targets governs whether its the weak or strong who gets hit, usually its the weak, but some times ya get lucky.
When you attack make sure you are swift and blinding in your violence, ie; mace and a small club, break bones! Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...


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