This is a pretty harrowing account of a cyclist who was recently attacked in Humboldt Park.

"RT @pmontoro: Cyclist mugged and nearly killed in Humboldt Park. This
kind of attack is getting popular."
- Chicago Reader (@Chicago_Reader)

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Gabe and Ian make good points...We need a few Mass Rides through there. And it is time for Alderman outreach. Im new to Humboldt, and have not felt particularly unsafe, tho i recognize the potential.

These are kids we are talking about. Kids! A huge bike ride (Mass) through might resonate with them. If they see what large numbers we are in, that might push em back a bit. Reversely, it may intimidate them and cause further outbreak, who knows.

As far as Alderman outreach goes, how does that work around here? Can anyone fill me in?
I had a major surgery at NWM a few years ago. Nothing but top notch. To the nurses and doctors at NWM, THANKS!!
iggi said:

As far as Alderman outreach goes, how does that work around here? Can anyone fill me in?

Here's a link for the Alderman. If everyone would contact his office, maybe just maybe, they would look into this problem.
this is extremely disturbing ... I live 5 blocks from that intersection.

I cannot imagine how much worse this would've turned out had you not had healthcare insurance or the injuries were not dealt with so well and so quickly.

I am angry about this ... but cannot carry it around inside me. I wish there was more that could be done.

I agree with the suggestion to Mass in Humboldt Park, and soon. And Rosa, you make a good point; violence against cyclists can and does happen everywhere. Maybe it is because so many chainlinkers live and ride in HP, that most of the recent personal stories of getting attacked come from there.
i like your idea Gabe... no matter what Iggi tells me, I'm still scared riding my bike around our neighborhood and haven't been lately do to it.

Gabe said:
Take mass through Humboldt every week til it stops! :-)

Send a letter to the Newspapers saying we're gonna do it as well! ;-)

Fuck you Humboldt Park! ;-)
Wow, I thought this sounded familiar. Here's a link to someone else that had this same basic scenario. So sad because Humboldt Park is such a beautiful area. I really enjoyed riding through there on the open streets days last year and this year.
I beg to differ.
The LP incidents were more isolated.
Living a few blocks from HP I can attest to the fact that many of these thug kids live/hangout around there. Every once in a while they may get to LP but the sheer mass of them that are there will drive up such incidents.

Rosa Diaz said:
So, these incidents that occur in Humboldt Park really sucks. I grew up in Humboldt Park and currently live in Humboldt Park. I hate it that a few a-holes can really destroy the reputation of Humboldt Park. However, lets not forget that riding anywhere in the city at 1 AM is not safe. People are crazy out there and they will attack anywhere. Sometimes it is just at the wrong place at the wrong time sort of thing. I say, riders, let us be careful everywhere we go and not just one area. The Lake View and Lincoln Park area is considered a good neighborhood, but bikers were attacked there as well. There are just so many areas where bikers are attacked and we cannot just isolate the situation in one area just because a couple of incidents. We need to take a look at the bigger picture? More protection for bikers overall.
reading these two "articles" is getting me a bit heated

Chucko said:
Wow, I thought this sounded familiar. Here's a link to someone else that had this same basic scenario. So sad because Humboldt Park is such a beautiful area. I really enjoyed riding through there on the open streets days last year and this year.
damn. i used to live right there, on the corner of cali and le moyne. this must have taken place right outside my old apt.

i just moved out of there, but it was only a month back that someone was shot in the exact same spot, late night too.

i feel crazy blessed that i didn't get into any bad situations the two years i was there
Lots of granola here

Reddog said:
This man was attacked just three blocks from where I was in July.
This is pretty much the first article I have read since coming out of surgery today. I have been kind of in and out of it all day.
Like Ryan, I will withhold what I really think. Many people who visit this site do not seem to have the stomach for what I would say about the predatory creatures that roam our city.
"I'd really like to know what people are thinking here."

Lots of hippies still think that demonstrations/protests/mass actions accomplish something. The only people less impressed by them than the government are gang-bangers.


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