I have never seen anyone doing this in Chicago - those Danes are hardcore!

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Maybe I've been lucky, but the worst I've gotten is "Are you still riding your bike?!"  Which, admittedly, I'm getting almost daily now.  

it was okay....until my stomach got huge!


what type of bike were you riding?   That isn't something that anyone has mentioned yet who rode while pregnant, some until that actual went into labor.

cherry dana said:

it was okay....until my stomach got huge!


I can see that;  I ride a cruiser, like this:  http://www.rei.com/product/744789/novara-mia-womens-bike

Generally there's lot of space, but I have a coffee cup holder on the handlebar, and if I stop suddenly enough, I can definitely bump my belly into it.  Back to the article at the beginning of this thread, Dutch bikes are typically very upright.  If you ride a road bike or even a mountain bike, I can see the geometry getting awkward towards the end.


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