The Chainlink

Cycling naked might be the best way to get drivers to pay attention

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Love the concept although I cringe at the thought of riding a bike with the bits and pieces floppin about. 

I don't even want to think about the saddle soars.

Hmmm, nude saddle soaring. Now this is a concept I can get behind.

Shawn A Conley said:

I don't even want to think about the saddle soars.

"If you don't use your mirrors, you don't know what you're missing."

I would suggest they put this campaign on hold until the "if you don't look up from your phone" campaign is deemed successful-- one step at a time.

They do have these.

How about a naked female backside on the body, with sides of the breasts out on the arms?

A fantastic way to be groped at night!

T.K. 8.4 mi said:


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