Hey there Chainlinkers!

I've got what is likely an odd question, but worth asking, at least to get some input from other bike-crazy people.

I've got a work trip in about a week that is going to take me to Winston-Salem for the whole week. I won't be able to bring my road bike with me, but looking at the forecast there, I'd love to get some miles in while I'm there. I've reached out to a few of the shops in the area, inquiring about rentals though I haven't heard anything yet. I'm curious if anyone here had any tips or secrets for this area. Any advice?

I'm going to be there long enough that I'll get all twitchy if I can't at least get some riding in, but at this point it might just be the stationary bike in the hotel's workout room.

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No advice, but replying to bump. Good luck! :)


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