We do a lot of complaining here (guilty), but as a whole, I love cycling in the city.  Cars are a little more patient than they were 6-7 years ago when I started commuting, and lots more bike lanes at least give me more of a semblance of comfort, potholes aside. But in general, I love not having to rely on the train or bus, I can park wherever I want, I love being able to scoot through small windows that cars can't, the rush from hitting a big downhill, speed in general, feeling healthier, feeling happier, making more of my trips to local vendors a few times a week (vs. a large supermarket once a week), making new friends, going on long adventure rides, waving to people, and shortening my commute by 50% vs. the train.  I've lost a good 40 pounds since I was at my heaviest, and my general health has been on the up ever since I started riding.  Cycling makes me happy, and no amount of car/pedestrian/scofflaw cyclist douchebaggery can change that.  Compared to the small town where I grew up, cycling here is beyond awesome...  In a huge suburb right next door, they refused to put in sidewalks, let alone bike lanes.  And in my experience, the cops mostly leave you alone unless you're a total psychopath (or they are), which is part of what I love most about Chicago: All the shenanigans one can get away with. Cah-Caw!  

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Let's try this culture change idea suggested by the OP. When we comment it's to ADD further knowledge or confirm it. Let's ban sniping as a legitimate practice in favor of personal research on a topic.

Duppie said:

Wait! O agrees on with the rest of the board that cycling is awesome any topic? That would explain the pigs I saw flying overhead on my way to work.

I think we are all doomed.

You can't force culture change. The best thing to do is to build more bike infrastructure to encourage more people to ride bikes in the city. Once people see more and more bikes everywhere, it will become more engrained in the culture and people will act more safely around bikes. I think Chicago is doing a great job with this so far. I also think that we need to teach bike safety in drivers' ed classes, add bike-related questions to driving exams, and include bike safety pamphlets in license plate renewal forms.

O said:

Let's try this culture change idea suggested by the OP. When we comment it's to ADD further knowledge or confirm it. Let's ban sniping as a legitimate practice in favor of personal research on a topic.

Duppie said:

Wait! O agrees on with the rest of the board that cycling is awesome any topic? That would explain the pigs I saw flying overhead on my way to work.

I think we are all doomed.

O, Thank you for helping me prevent this thread from being added to h's database:


Just because it is a happy-feel-good thread doesn't mean it deserves inclusion in his hallowed database. We as forum users have to be diligent in testing the flame war resistance of a thread, otherwise that database becomes a rag-tag collection of wannabe threads. Clearly this thread fails that test.

Carry on ;)

PS. Please take note of the emoticon to clarify my intentions.

O said:

Let's try this culture change idea suggested by the OP. When we comment it's to ADD further knowledge or confirm it. Let's ban sniping as a legitimate practice in favor of personal research on a topic.

Duppie said:

Wait! O agrees on with the rest of the board that cycling is awesome any topic? That would explain the pigs I saw flying overhead on my way to work.

I think we are all doomed.

Chicago is the Paris of the Midwest! Full-disclosure: I've never been to Paris, but I have been to Memphis... Pretty much te same so I have heard.

PS: for once? for realzies?!? BIG Thank you to that CPD that rides with/recognized me from the CCM.... You know who you are! All I can say is?... Hope for that sevice professional, ever-luvvin' community sistren/brethren.

Especially this week/weekend. Big love to everyone here for the CMWC. Hope you have an awesome booze filled time. 

In keeping positive, I'll say how great it is that we have so many places to ride bikes besides the LFT.

Positive vibes all around are currently transmitting the idea that a diverse brainspace allowing for lively disagreement is a thing to celebrate and not banning it would be unobnoxious.

O said:

Let's try this culture change idea suggested by the OP. When we comment it's to ADD further knowledge or confirm it. Let's ban sniping as a legitimate practice in favor of personal research on a topic.


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