I want to add a calories burned calculation to MassUp.us plots.
It already knows distance and speed, so it could be easy given just weight and gender. This would appear on plots, for example see http://massup.us/ccm/r and click Options.
I could see a complete solution using wind and incline, speed and weight, age and gender, intensity and fitness, but simpler is good. I've seen it as simple as 0.28kc/mi/lb, but would like to at least add a speed factor value, which is...? (probably a square of something)
I figured maybe someone here knows a good cycling calories algorithm or has a best reference. Google gives too much, with little agreement, and mostly forms and tables rather than equations, so hoping for human input...
If nobody here knows with certainty, would someone like to figure it out please?
Also, density of air varies with temperature and humidity.
To adjust for temperature, use the Kelvin scale, C + 273.15 and take the ratio between actual and base (?0C?) (simplified ideal gas law).
Water vapor is less dense than air, and the dew point is a good indication of the absolute amount of water vapor in air. No idea on how to adjust resistance.
Wind speed among building is usually low unless the wind is aligned with the street you are one (or crossing for a crosswind). Almost no blocking effect along the lake shore.
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