Where is the best place to lodge a complaint against the CTA?  


My experiences near CTA busses are increasingly frightening.  I regularly see CTA bus drivers running red lights, talking on cellphones, etc.  I have even had a CTA bus driver act as if he was going to ram my car because I did not yield to him enough.  Bad driver behavior seems to be increasing not only from my experiences but those of my colleagues and friends.

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I'm not going to disagree with you on that' we have had the conversation about it before.  I agree 100% the right of way is for suckers but it is still how it SHOULD be.

Kevin C said:
You had me until the last paragraph. You are correct that this is as it should be, but as I've said before, the right of way is for suckers (and their heirs).

notoriousDUG said:


I will also add this: If you are overtaking a bus, in a bike lane, on the right there is nothing wrong with that.  It is our lane and they need to start checking to see if we are in the lane provided to us before cutting across it to get to the curb.



Jeff Markus said:

Well actually every day bus drivers feel car drivers and bikers give them grief. Some is bad causing bad, some is a persecution complex gone awry and some is real. If your bike was several tons of momentum and loaded with soft easily damaged bodies you would get uppity about pulling away from a red light only to have a light ignoring biker blaze across the street in front of you or as you approach a side street with a bus stop have a bike suddenly appear and try to pass on your right robbing you of the room to get your 30 feet of bus out of traffic and put your door at the curb for the cane toting passenger waiting at the stop.

And don't say "I don't do that" cause if your out there and not seeing these things happen you are blind.

I usually ride with the attitude that the worst thing the drivers around me can do is exactly what they WILL DO.

Busses cause me little danger (OK SOME BUT surprisingly little) because I ride with some grasp of the physical and job enforced requirements of swinging a behemoth thru traffic, traffic that usually ignores the 600lb gorilla  on the road. The drivers of the bus can only present a danger to me if I place myself in their crosshairs. When I'm catching a bus in heavy traffic I take the lane behind them and pass on the left, if they are comimng up on my quarter I plan on the room they are using and if needed take the lane in front of them if I have room to do so without causing them to hit the brakes and deprive them of the opportunity to right hook me as the reach the next stop, if I cannot do that without forcing them to dramatically slow I plan on slowing myself to allow me to pass them on the left if they do pull into the stop.

Planning ahead can save allot of pain and being so egotistical as to expect traffioc to bend to my presence despite my slower speed and much better manuverability is a good way to end up as a spot on the road.

Those situations that cannot be dealt with are much better worked thru if you have the presence of mind to be aware of all the deadly possibilities before the fact.

Better to be inconveinenced that dead.


The Chicagoan


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