This thread is for dynamic practical planning communication of the NEXT Critical Mass proposed route. Concepts, favorite destinations, general recommendations, thoughts, complete maps, etc are welcome.

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My full post-ride write up from the April ride is posted at
Thanx everyone!!!

ALSO I've posted a new "Chicago Critical Mass (and similar) route map flyers retrospective" here:
VERY PRETTY! A must see.

And, anyone got an idea on how to restart this thread for a future month's ride? I had hoped when created that I could set it to order newest post first, but not seeing that. Need to recreate in other form? On a good CMS, I'd archive this thread as a leaf on parent topic. Leah?
I didn't see anything anywhere near the same, so I created a CCM group. That way multiple future threads can be launched under a heading. "thread tax" - LOL
I SERIOUSLY don't get how I didn't find that group. I'm already in it even. Wondering if it was momentarily masked somehow. Can't trust my own eyes?!? I've deleted the new would've been redundant one I'd created.

h3 said:
Andrew Bedno said:
I didn't see anything anywhere near the same, so I created a CCM group. That way multiple future threads can be launched under a heading. "thread tax" - LOL

Not sure where the may planning ended up, but we definitely started it.


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