In honor of Don Featerstone my flamingo, named Flamingo, is wearing a black wing-band:

The creator of the pink plastic lawn flamingo, the ultimate symbol of American lawn kitsch, has died. Donald Featherstone was 79.

Featherstone, a trained sculptor with a classical art background, created the flamingo in 1957 for plastics company Union Products, modeling it after a bird he saw in National Geographic. Millions of the birds have been sold.

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Flamingo and I will be sending a get-well card to Flamingo One .... a musical card, considering that One is blind.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I am sorry to report that the city and county offices did not receive the message and flags are not flying at half-staff. :-(

The memo clearly states that all plastic flamingoes on public property will have black wing-bands.

I saw this movie when I started college. Dee, ess and are squared were bad enough on my impressionable young mind, but this was far worse. I never fully recovered. Somehow, I just can't get too chocked up about your loss. But I did put this out on my front lawn as a sign of respect. I wanted to buy a much classier concrete model but they were a lot more expensive and harder to lug around.

John Waters movies impact any mind, young and impressionable or not. 


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