Alright so a few days ago my brother put a bike up for sale on craigslist. He got an offer from a guy that was on a "business trip" and had to pay with a money order. The guy offered him 50 bucks more than what he was selling it for. Which to me sounds very odd. My dumb brother agreed to it. Then he gets another email from the guy saying that his "assistant" sent him a check that was way more than the price of the bike, and that he wanted the difference sent back to him to pay off a shipping company for the bike's shipment. A few days later my brother got two checks for $985 each. He went on and deposited them to his account. When I found out about this whole transaction I told him not to send the guy any money. I'm pretty sure in a few days the bank will find out that they were fake money order checks and remove the money from his account. I thought this was a pretty interesting transaction. Has this ever happened to any of you? 

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He still has the emails. I'm pretty sure thats enough

I bet the attorney general's office has some kind of a group to investigate that stuff.  How about copies of the checks, or the checks themselves if they bounced?

Maybe try the AG's Consumer Protection people:

My usual optimistic, farm-raised, all-organic soymilk of human kindness just now went sour when I hear there are people on CL who would be disingenuous. I am devastated! Oy vey! Somebody... Please... Just hold me!


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