Hi - I am not sure if this is the correct category or why I am posting it because it's nothing to do with me, but I was browsing CL and this link shows security photos of a cyclist stealing a fellow cyclist's wheel yesterday. I guess the poster of this ad may not know about chicago's chainlink, so there might be the chance that this thief participates in this online community. Thanks for reading.


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Whoever took the wheel is most likely on this site (I have a feeling), So if your reading this brohomo, I just nailed your Mother. Can't wait to meet you ...
Glad to see someone is looking out!!
I'm sure I'm missing something, but why is there a suspicion that the thief is on the chainlink?
I'm inclined to think that the type of person that steals other people's stuff is unlikely to participate in any kind of community, online or otherwise. Too selfish. If you happen to be the thief, and you ARE reading this, please GTFO mah Chainlink.

However, there is a possibility that the images on craigslist are sufficient to ID the thief, given wide enough exposure. To that end, I'm reposting them here, reasoning that CL ads are somewhat ephemeral in nature, and can be taken down with no warning.

Online posting of bike thefts has facilitated recovery in the past. Let's hope it works this time.

From a blog post, I understand that it's just a stock wheel.
This was on the CL site, dated August 10th:

"So I was stopping by the MCA Warehouse space a bit ago to drop off prints for the BFF Art show on Thursday and Andrew Haala, who is helping put on the event, was there and had just had his front wheel stolen from in front of the space, on the corner of Hubbard and Wood, around 12:30 today.

The wheel was a black Neuvation (hub and rim) with bladed spokes and a Vittoria Rubino Pro tire.

Here's the security cam stills of the dude rolling up, setting his bike against the building, and then rolling out with the wheel in hand.

If you see it around, or think you recognize homeboy that's jacking it (I'm not saying there's a logo on that bag, I'm just saying that bag looks like it's got a logo on it, natch) maybe give a word down the line and see if we can get the wheel back to Andrew, no questions asked.

Please repost this where-ever you'd like.

* Location: Hubbard and Wood"

Then it shows the 3 photos.
I don't know whether the thief is a chainlink participant. I guess what I meant to say is all of the following:

- I started the thread maybe in the hopes that the thief would see that s/he was photo'ed by a security camera;


- that thief maybe would see that people are watching so s/he might think twice about stealing again and/or return the wheel;


- other 'would-be' thieves would think twice about stealing if they think security cameras are near;


- chainlink participants, if you think you may know this person and/or hear someone talking about such a wheel perhaps remark out loud about this CL ad and maybe the thief will return the wheel;


- chainlink participants, if you see such a wheel for sale on CL or elsewhere, it may be this stolen one and perhaps you can return it to the victim, and/or assist in identifying the thief.

That was my motivation for starting the thread. Thank you.
Damn. That really sucks. Can't say I know the person in the picture, but I hope he gets caught.
I'm with H3, the thread is amusing and of course, sad. I would hope that this thread will also remind us to lock up our wheels, especially if they are quick release - which I'm guessing this one was.

I use a probably not beefy enough for the big city Bulldog U-lock which is always attached to a 4 foot length of cable. I run the cable through which ever wheel isn't secured by the u-lock. Sure, it can be defeated by a bolt-cutter, but crimes such as the one illustrated in this thread are not "professional" pre-meditated acts, but crimes of opportunity.

And as a bonus, as a defensive weapon, a u-lock at the end of a 4 foot cable packs a lot more punch than a u-lock at the end of your weenie arm. (It is also a lot easier to lose though, so if you go there, don't go there timidly.)

Frosinone said:
I don't know whether the thief is a chainlink participant. I guess what I meant to say is all of the following:
- I started the thread maybe in the hopes that the thief would see that s/he was photo'ed by a security camera;

- that thief maybe would see that people are watching so s/he might think twice about stealing again and/or return the wheel;


- other 'would-be' thieves would think twice about stealing if they think security cameras are near;


- chainlink participants, if you think you may know this person and/or hear someone talking about such a wheel perhaps remark out loud about this CL ad and maybe the thief will return the wheel;


- chainlink participants, if you see such a wheel for sale on CL or elsewhere, it may be this stolen one and perhaps you can return it to the victim, and/or assist in identifying the thief.

That was my motivation for starting the thread. Thank you.
I really dont know anything about tires/blades etc. But this CL posting got my attention. Too bad the original CL link has expired...and maybe its completely wrong, and if so, I apologize to the CL poster of this wheel... but there it is.

Edit- Right brand. But the front wheel was stolen in the original post


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