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It's a nice big mirror. I'm in Beverly, the SW side and I can save it for you a few days. First Chainlink'r that could use it (and can come pick it up) gets it. Thanks, Ken.
i wonder if it will make it anywhere in one piece
I am interested, though I would need some help getting it into my car.  My left hand is in a cast atm.  My Lady, Melanie, can help but it looks pretty heavy.  Do the "thingys" that hold it to the wall come with it?  Also, by the looks of it, I would say that it is 4 feet by 5 feet, not 4 inches by 5 inches, am I right? Thank you for offering it for free.
You are right FEET not inches! I'm here to help but a car, even with help, will it fit? Iggy has a pont about getting there in one piece. No one wants seven years of bad luck. Do you have a wagon or a van? Is it time to give a phone number, an address?
Oh, "thingys" do come with it except for the anchors that are lost in the wall. Any hardware store has them cheap.
You are right FEET not inches! I'm here to help but a car, even with help, will it fit? Iggy has a pont about getting there in one piece. No one wants seven years of bad luck. Do you have a wagon or a van? Is it time to give a phone number, an address?
friend request sent. thank you again.

Reminded me of the Spinal Tap misshap on Stone 'enge. :)

I was gonna say, that house is tiny.


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