I preset to you a rough transcription of a lovely conversation I had
this morning with a chapping gentleman in Old Town.

<I pull up next to his Mercedes in my bike because he is blocking the
bike lane. I initially just was going to give him a dirty look and ride off, but he rolls down his window, so I decide to talk to him.>

Me: Excuse me, you're parked in a bike lane, would you mind moving your car?

Him: Fuck off.

Me: Hey man, I'm just asking nicely. You're parked illegally.

Him: Is it legal for you guys to run red lights?

Me: That's irrelevant, you're still illegally parked.

Him: I'm not parked, I'm stopped. My flashers are on.

Me: That's the same thing.

Him: Fuck off.

Me: Have a nice day!



Honestly, I totally expected this behavior and am in no way complaining about this. I actually was quite amused and it made my morning. I just wanted to share it with my fellow Chainlinkers.

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I'm not sure this "conversation" was worthy of sharing.

Here's a revolutionary concept and one which I try to employ whenever I encounter an obstruction in the bike lane (whether a pothole, dog crap, beer can, or Mercedes). I go around it. You should too.



Jeez Herstein.

Kevin C said:

Here's a revolutionary concept and one which I try to employ whenever I encounter an obstruction in the bike lane (whether a pothole, dog crap, beer can, or Mercedes). I go around it. You should too.

So we should just let everyone park in the bike lane whenever they want?

Sometimes I think it's worth a conversation. I have to be in the mood to stay calm and not escalate, but sometimes I do stop. Mostly I ride around slowly avoiding doors, right hooks and sudden starts.

NYC said:



Jeez Herstein.

Kevin C said:

Here's a revolutionary concept and one which I try to employ whenever I encounter an obstruction in the bike lane (whether a pothole, dog crap, beer can, or Mercedes). I go around it. You should too.

And 99.9% of the time I do go around. Are you telling me you've never talked to anyone on the street about doing something illegal that is putting you on your bike in danger? Never?

NYC said:



Jeez Herstein.

Kevin C said:

Here's a revolutionary concept and one which I try to employ whenever I encounter an obstruction in the bike lane (whether a pothole, dog crap, beer can, or Mercedes). I go around it. You should too.



Do you stop jaywalkers, bikers who run red lights, cars who roll stop signs, mom's who block the sidewalk with double strollers, unleashed dogs, litterbugs, kids playing basketball in the street?  If you are going to be the scofflaw vigilante, go for gold.

Adam Herstein said:

So we should just let everyone park in the bike lane whenever they want?

It seems everyone wants to be a cop.

Who do you think you are?  The goddamn batman?

If I did that, I'd never get anywhere. You have to pick your battles.

NYC said:



Do you stop jaywalkers, bikers who run red lights, cars who roll stop signs, mom's who block the sidewalk with double strollers, unleashed dogs, litterbugs, kids playing basketball in the street?  If you are going to be the scofflaw vigilante, go for gold.

Adam Herstein said:

So we should just let everyone park in the bike lane whenever they want?

I'm compelled to say no, but I think the answer is yes.  It would be the same as asking, "So we should just let the mosquitos bite us whenever they want?", because chicagoan motorists are just as annoying and will never go away.  I am just as irritated by their behavior as you are, believe me.  Every single person who holds a drivers license in this city needs to go back to traffic school in my opinion.  passing on the right is what gets me most, especially when people on mopeds cruise in the bike lane to do so.  but what can you do? i just ignore them because they arent worth my time, and i'm better than they are simply because i'm a cyclist.  

Perhaps this is a good place to invoke a "Safety Slap."

Can people here not yell?  Why slap? Or try to have a rational conversation?  Some of my faves: "You're in the bikelane" ; "use your turn signal" ; "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "Not smart"  *Thumbs Up* + "GENIUS!" "There's a southbound one-way street a block over. Why are you salmoning?" "GET OFF YOUR PHONE." ....  I could go on. 


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