Your bicycle was voted #1 in the Bicycle Cookie Contest!!!

Below is the winning bicycle which will be featured on a cookie and in The Chainlink's Online Fundraiser Launch!!!!!

"Here is my bike. I bought it used from the Millennium Park Bike Shop. It was a rental. The front carrier was specially constructed to carry my little Poodle, Gabi. She rides with me most days as long as the temp is over 40F. Last year she got around 5000 miles on the Chicago Lakefront.


Tony Licata"

Congrats again! Your prize is a tin of your bicycle cookies, and one special design on a cookie!

I wish you many more happy years with your bicycle, and many more miles with Gabi!

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Many thanks, Rocky and everyone who voted for my bike. 

I should have given more detail on the construction of the pet carrier which includes a a front carrier, basket mounted on top and then a pet carrier inside the basket. This drops the center of gravity down and makes it much easier to steer. I used to  have the pet basket hanging from the handlebars and it was much more challenging to ride.

Thanks, again. I love cookies!


It is not so simple for me as you may think it is. so I will do what is easiest for me, thanks for letting me know otherwise.....

Tony, I will email you tomorrow! Let you know what is going on.


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