Anyone have any ideas as to securing a rear rack so that it won't likely be stolen? I had my cheap city bike at the Metra stop on Lawrence and Ravenswood today and someone stole my rear rack and basket. While it wasn't anything fancy, it's still annoying to me to have to go out and get new stuff. Plus, I'd just like to foil the thieves.


I've heard of the ball bearing and wax in the hex trick, but just wondering if there are any more conventional things, like tamper-proof screws, etc...

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McMaster Carr has all sorts of tamper resistant screws and do-dads..... Then there is always the welder isle at home depot hehehe
Ive got a couple extra yellow Tidy Cats litter buckets you can have if you want - they make great panniers and I doubt anybody would steal them - if they do - they're very cheap to replace.


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