Perhaps Band of Horses is your thing, but I prefer this with sound off. Also, sorry if everyone has seen this before but today was my first time viewing it and I can only say "wow".

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Hell yeah, I saw this yesterday from the CCM listserve- unreal!
Yeah, that is where I saw it from too, but I figured not everyone is on that, so....let's share!

DonRay said:
Hell yeah, I saw this yesterday from the CCM listserve- unreal!
Yeeaaaah.... I sawed it. I call it Bicycle Kung Fu. If Bruce Lee rode a bike instead that's what it would have looked like.

I spent many days in Cleveland on a little BMX bike when I was a kid - we used to dream about doing this kind of stuff. Unfortunately all I was coordinated enough to do was hop a curb and maybe ride a few stairs. Too much crashing.... But I totally identify with the tunes on this video. You do that and you put your a** on the line with every trick. Life is a risky event. Some kids (like I did) don't know where they're headed and get a bit more reckless as a result.

I just commute these days and tour, trying to beat "The Man" at his f***ing insurance, gas, and car payment game - what a scam. We all deserve public transportation - everywhere.

Way to go Danny! If only some of the rest of us had as much talent as we had the love. Just stay away from high voltage.......
Where in Cleveland? That's where I am from too! - Shaker Hts, Cleveland Hts, and Cleveland proper at various times. Cheers - Lee

Matt M. said:
Yeeaaaah.... I sawed it. I call it Bicycle Kung Fu. If Bruce Lee rode a bike instead that's what it would have looked like.

I spent many days in Cleveland on a little BMX bike when I was a kid - we used to dream about doing this kind of stuff. Unfortunately all I was coordinated enough to do was hop a curb and maybe ride a few stairs. Too much crashing.... But I totally identify with the tunes on this video. You do that and you put your a** on the line with every trick. Life is a risky event. Some kids (like I did) don't know where they're headed and get a bit more reckless as a result.

I just commute these days and tour, trying to beat "The Man" at his f***ing insurance, gas, and car payment game - what a scam. We all deserve public transportation - everywhere.

Way to go Danny! If only some of the rest of us had as much talent as we had the love. Just stay away from high voltage.......
Me to know and you to wonder, Lee. I can tell you that I spent a lot of time in Shaker, though

Lee Diamond said:
Where in Cleveland? That's where I am from too! - Shaker Hts, Cleveland Hts, and Cleveland proper at various times. Cheers - Lee

Matt M. said:
Yeeaaaah.... I sawed it. I call it Bicycle Kung Fu. If Bruce Lee rode a bike instead that's what it would have looked like.

I spent many days in Cleveland on a little BMX bike when I was a kid - we used to dream about doing this kind of stuff. Unfortunately all I was coordinated enough to do was hop a curb and maybe ride a few stairs. Too much crashing.... But I totally identify with the tunes on this video. You do that and you put your a** on the line with every trick. Life is a risky event. Some kids (like I did) don't know where they're headed and get a bit more reckless as a result.

I just commute these days and tour, trying to beat "The Man" at his f***ing insurance, gas, and car payment game - what a scam. We all deserve public transportation - everywhere.

Way to go Danny! If only some of the rest of us had as much talent as we had the love. Just stay away from high voltage.......
Best thing I've seen all week. Incredible! I watched three times in a row. Thanks for reposting. Is the rest of the video this nice? Man. The Macaframa stuff doesn't really do it for me, but this is a bird of a different feather.
That is so badass. Thanks for the link :)
Danny gives a whole new meaning to The Flying Scotsman!!!
I love the stunned bystanders when he jumps off the bridge.
A old riding buddy sent me this video link yesterday. Wow What balance and control.
I played this video at work and the BMX guys were WOWed.

Even though May be the song really does not fit Riding a bike, Remember at the beginning were he pulled the steet sign,on the electric box it did say DANGER OF DEATH. So it fits there and it most people try the things Danny does it might mean a Funeral for most of us who would tried those stunts.

I have a new respect for 26" BMX bikes,and Danny MacAskill hmm MacAsKILL.

I acually never heard the Band of Horses but I liked the Song.

I Approve this Video

Danger these stunts could cause Injury or Death.
I can't access YouTube from work, so had to copy this video so that I could bring it to work for those odd moments when I just need to be amazed.

Does anybody do any trials riding in or around Chicago? This stuff is just amazing.
I just saw this video this morning. Amazing although I did get tired of some of the very cliched camera and editing work. Glad I searched the forum first as I was about to post it. D'OH!

Ryan Leech is another great trials rider. You can see him in the various movies made by The Collective. These guys do some great work, buy their movies.


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