All winter long I rode my bike to work and parked my bike outside my cubicle.  Nobody complained.  7 days ago the sales department relocated to my area of the building where I work. 4 days later the Safety Dept. Guy shows up and sheepishly tells me that there has been a complaint that my bike takes up to much space outside my cube.  I disagree, but have to find alternate parking for my ride.

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I guess I'm pretty lucky. I park my bike right outside my office door. I did have one manager tell me I had to leave the bike outside when I started riding to work. I brought it up with the GM and he called her into the office and asked her if she thought he should park his winter stored Jag 3.8 Saloon and her winter stored boat outside, too, and also asked if she had enough to do.

Most times, the guy was a prick, but he moved up a notch that day.
My bike either goes downstairs leaning against one of many old safes we have, or leans against a file cabinet in my office. No one's complained, and it's in no one's way but my own.

Hopefully someone in power gets some sense and asks the whiners if they have enough to do like Mike's situation.
move the bike and replace with a cactus....
Sounds like the situation I had several years back working security. A co-worker of mine did not like me riding to work and pissed and moaned about it to HR. The knob pissed about it since I never turned in a mileage sheet for fuel expenses. It turned out I was saving the company from having to pay me an extra $50 a week, $200 +\- a month. The HR manager asked me if I was doing my job. I told him I patroled the outside areas on my bike not needing my car. The shit hit the fan when he made the other guards also start riding bikes. Most of the other guards were fat, overweight, and lazy and not too happy by not getting the extra money for gas allowance. Needless to say no one bitched about what happened to me since I did not cause the problem. I was allowed to store my ride in a lockable closet that I only had the key to. It was mostly for office supplies, records boxes, copy paper, etc. Since the job was 3rd shift, no office workers were ever around either. Also it was in the lobby which was monitered by CCTV that I watched. Have to use some creative mojo to fix the problem. Ask the building engineer for a copy of the building layout, maps or blueprints. Find any unused offices, storage areas, private washrooms, closets, abandoned floors. These all become bike storage areas that may resolve the problem with the coworker that wants to be the office tool. The tool should do something like work instead of starting shit with you. Tell him "Aggronuna" if he keeps bugging you. Hope he can figure out that bugging you is counter-productive.
i can supply this cactus... free of charge... pick up only... 5' tall by 14" wide... very spikey...

Curt H Moore said:
move the bike and replace with a cactus....
Perhaps you do need to switch bikes. How would your co-worker like this one?
My boss is on my side. He thought the idea of my bike taking up to much space was crazy and suggested that our sales department would benefit from a few miles on a bicycle. (They enjoy their fast food.) My bicycle has been given it's own cubicle! Next, I will try to get it on the payroll. Bike victory.
Now they'll complain that its sales numbers are the lowest of the department and try to get it laid off.

Glad you have a reasonable boss.

dav said:
My boss is on my side. He thought the idea of my bike taking up to much space was crazy and suggested that our sales department would benefit from a few miles on a bicycle. (They enjoy their fast food.) My bicycle has been given it's own cubicle! Next, I will try to get it on the payroll. Bike victory.
You should still put a cactus outside that cubicle per Curt's recommendation.
Good news on the resolution. After 3+ years of riding and storing her bike in an empty cube or office, my wife received complaints this season and was told to park outside (S. side of the Midway in Hyde Park). She spoke with the building manager to look for a better solution, as she has a nice bike and it's in a high crime area. He created a locked bike storage room on the first floor for her (and others) to use. Win-Win!


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