Come out in defense of Boulevard Bike Lane tomorrow (Weds/5:30)

Hoping to reach a few more folks who live near or make use of the Marshall Boulevard bike lane.

If you live in the area please try to make this meeting-- I don't know for sure, but suspect the majority of attendees will be there to complain about the bike lane (which is the impetus for the meeting.)


Community Meeting
Wednesday, September 25th
5:30 pm
Saucedo Academy School
2850 West 24th Blvd.
School Auditorium

Discuss Bike Lanes on the Boulevard.
Representatives from CDOT will be present for questions.

Sponsored By:
Alderman Cardenas, 12th Ward

Reunión Comunitaria
Miércoles 25 de Septiembre
5:30 PM
Escuela Saucedo Academy
2850 West 24th Blvd
Auditorio de la Escuela

Dialogar sobre los Carriles de bicicletas en el Bulevar.
Representantes del Departamento de Transporte estarán presentes.

Patrocinado por:
Concejal Cardenas, Distrito 12

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Thank you Dan! You did an amazing job.

I could not  stop thinking about the meeting while at work. The scheduling could have been better.


The Chicago/Grand community meeting held last week about the BRT plan for Ashland was similarly disappointing.  It sounds like the Ashland meeting gave more residents a chance to talk, but in general I feel like CDOT and CTA are not going into these community forums with the goal of responding to residents' concerns and dispelling myths one by one, and speaking with conviction about why decisions were made and the trade-offs considered. This is making residents feeling like they're talking to a wall, and unfortunately they are. There is so much good information to be shared, but the officials in these meetings need to step up their game.

18 cyclists per rush hour period per day?  Does that mean 36 rush hour cyclists per day after a year?  Sounds like the cost of the bike lane outweighs the benefit in this case.  There's got to be a better way to slow down traffic in key areas near schools.

Well, I'm not a resident, and have never ridden in the neighborhood.  Gonna get off the internets and find this lane and ride it today.  It's beautiful outside.

Dan Korn said:


One guy complained about part of CDOT's plan to open up more parking spaces by converting some spaces that are currently permit-only.  Multiple folks talked about how they never see very many cyclists riding in the bike lanes (though CDOT had posted a slide with bike counts, something like 18 cyclists in each rush hour period for a day last month)



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