As I was quickly sipping coffee before running out the door, I wondered, does anyone bring a thermos of coffee with them on their ride to work or do you A) drink if before you leave or B) drink a cup when you get to work?


Is it dangerous to ride with coffee in a thermos?


(maybe this just another deep thought of a bike commuter)

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Or at least switch to decaf after 2PM.  It's not a problem if you don't sleep if you can drink enough coffee the next morning to jump start your endocrine system into believing you are awake again.   Drink a bottle of wine after dinner the next night and you'll sleep just fine.



David Barish said:

If this question is keeping you up all night I suggest switching to decaf.

Well, it's cheaper than buying coffee at the store.  But no cheaper than making normal coffee it at home.  One advantage, though, is you grind and prepare the night before.  I know a lot of people buy pre-ground because it takes less time in the morning with a drip.  Or you get one of those really expensive drip machines that grind the beans on a timer.  But grinding beans and using a french press, though unbelievably easy, is extra time that is hard to justify when you'd prefer to sleep for a few more minutes. 


Don't heat it up.  Pour over ice and drink cold.  It does take getting used to.  But it's much better.  It's not bitter at all and real flavorful.  Short of the delicately prepared coffee at intelligentsia, I prefer my cold-pressed coffee to pretty much anything else.

h' said:

What makes it cheaper? Do you heat it up to drink it?

venksesh said:

Cold-pressed ice coffee.  It will change your life (or at least give you one less excuse not to commute).  It's really easy to make and, once you get accustomed to the taste, is richer and more flavorful.


It's also really convenient.  You make it the night before, so don't have to make coffee in the morning when you're rushing out. 


If you grind your own beans, use a coarse ground and a few extra spoons (if you buy pre-ground, make sure beans are ground coarsely).  Put the ground coffee it into a container, fill with some cold filtered water (check internet for ratios), and stir.  Put it in the fridge over night.  Then filter in the morning into a waterbottle or thermos with some ice (your normal water bottle works fine until it gets really cold outside).


I pour filtered water into yogurt cups for ice, so it doesn't corrupt the flavor. 


It's easiest with a press pot, because the filter and lid are built in.


You'll have to experiment a bit with ratios.  So you may have to suffer a week or so of mediocre coffee.  But it's cheaper and better over the long run.




Most iced-coffee is not cold-pressed.  It's just hot coffee that's poured over ice cubes.  I was definitely the same way and skeptical.


I'd suggest trying some cold-pressed ice coffe at intelligentsia or any other fine purveyor of coffee. 

Couldn't you just make coffee ice cubes to put in your cold from the fridge drip coffee? I like press coffee with expresso ground coffee. 

venksesh said:

Most iced-coffee is not cold-pressed.  It's just hot coffee that's poured over ice cubes.  I was definitely the same way and skeptical.


I'd suggest trying some cold-pressed ice coffe at intelligentsia or any other fine purveyor of coffee. 

Choosing a thermos is a big deal. The Keepithot platform really helped me once because good analyses are what we need when we about to buy something new. Really good analyses and guides. Have a look if you have the same choosing problem. It is very convenient and saving time when you can choose and buy a thing on the same resource.

I had a kleen kanteen 12oz mug for a year and a half in Portland. It kept everything hot, but leaked constantly due to the way the lid retained drips of coffee. I switched the lid, changed the seals, but still, drips everywhere. On my commute into work on Tuesday, it fell from my bike and I didn't notice. I found it yesterday.

I've had great luck with my Fifty/Fifty 18oz thermos for keeping water cool, so I decided to give their 12oz mug a chance, hoping for the best. It arrives today, so I don't have any good reviews yet. Most of the 12oz mugs will fit in waterbottle holders, and I've had good luck keeping them upright in my bag without issues. I'll give a better review of it when it's here.

Side note, I don't drink from it while riding, but it's nice to have at a stop light/stop sign, just like my water bottle. The only time I would take a drink while riding is if I was outside of the city or on a lower traffic trail or road. Never on the busy streets. 

I only have 11 miles of commute and usually in a rush to get to work so I don't have time to enjoy caffeinated beverage during my commute.

In the winter, I do carry my insulated Kleen Kanteen mug and fill it up with a hot caffeinated beverage, sometimes.

Coffee! How can I not have coffee?! I drink it before and I drink it during and I drink when I arrive and I'm drinking it right now! Yes, I use one of those silver vacuum thermos thingies. Time for another sip. . .

Wow.  This is like overhearing a conversation between a bunch of really nice cultists.  

My morning ride is what got me off coffee for the most part. I didn't need the boost after the exercise. I'm down to one cup at lunch now. I even cut out my diet cokes. Now coffee is mostly just for enjoyment, not need.

I don't get my fix until after I arrive at work. I'd consider one of those handle bar drink holders to take sips at red lights. However, when I think about how many times I've needed to swerve unexpectedly, carrying a cup in my hand while moving seems like a terrible idea.


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